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注册时间 2021-3-23
本帖最后由 UnrealApartheid 于 2024-7-10 20:31 编辑
Dualshockers原文采访出处:https://www.dualshockers.com/mar ... btq-content-gaming/
Delving into GLAAD's latest report, Kenney offers up two important insights. While one is a positive and welcoming outlook as often the LGBTQ community wants to seek out safe spaces so they can feel accepted, the other is extremely worrying and disheartening. "The GLAAD report tells us something key - games are a way for LGBTQ people to socialize. But it also tells us something heartbreaking: that LGBTQ gamers don't feel that developers are thinking of them when they design games."
-- 来自 能搜索的 Stage1官方 Android客户端
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