战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2004-11-14
发表于 2024-6-20 11:45
4chan Anon锐评:
I don't care, nips are the most nervous,
impossibly shy, anxiety ridden, depressing
race on the planet, they' re like the fucking
chihuahuas of humans, sitting there
shaking and terrified at every slight noise or movement.
Even if you “impress" a Japanese by living up to their impossible, boring standards it's not like you' re gonna get anything out of it, they re still too shy to talk to you.
So let them seethe at any mild vivaciousness, they're not gonna do anything it except grit their teeth and quietly think “fucking gaijan”,then go home and have a boring dinner
of curry rice and dream about finding the courage to jump out of their window. |