战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2012-1-4
我求大家不要给Tesla洗地了。“方向盘卡死撞树”、“气囊未弹出”我个人没有时间和精力查,但是特斯拉内置行车记录仪在发生碰撞后视频丢失可不是一起两起。请各位直接谷歌搜索“tesla delete dashcam in crash”,出来的相关结果至少几十条。我在下面摘几个典型的:Don’t rely on Dashcam recording in accident. 这个车主表示发生了导致安全气囊打开的车祸,也有车祸前的视频记录,但是从车祸开始前1分钟的视频消失了。“Airbags deployed. USB fully recorded all from dash cam until 1 min BEFORE the accident”Video recovery following crash 车主表示发生了导致气囊打开的车祸,但是记录的视频不包括车祸的部分,希望知道能否恢复。“Has anyone had any luck recovering video from Tesla cams following an accident where air bags were deployed. The USB drive has videos up to the clips that should contain the accident”Tesla Dashcam Failed When Needed Most - During an Accident 车主明确在发生碰撞后点了保存(先不说这个设计有多不合理/没良心:在发生严重车祸的时候本来就应该自动保存数据,不能指望车主有意识保存),但碰撞之前、之后的视频都保存下来了,唯独没有碰撞过程的。下面无数车主回帖表示有类似经历。“About a minute after the accident I pressed the Dashcam icon to save the most recent footage thinking I was covered. Only to find out when I got home that the actual accident footage wasn't there. It saved everything before, and everything afterward, but not the actual accident”Dashcam footage disappeared 车主表示碰撞之后点了保存,一开始也可以重放视频,并与警察一起看了视频,甚至抄下了肇事车车牌号。但是几分钟后视频被删除。“We even did rewind couple of times and saw the car crashing in with pauses to ensure we got the plates clearly. She noted everything in her diary. After a few minute, the footage again disappeared and can not be found still.” |