战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2015-9-4
- https://wallstreetonparade.com/2023/12/the-new-york-fed-has-extended-its-half-trillion-dollar-bailout-facility-to-a-sprawling-japanese-bank-youve-never-heard-of/
“We were hit with unrealized losses, largely in U.S. government bonds. We actually started reshuffling our bond holdings in 2021 to prepare for rates to rise, but we rushed to unload in response to the jump in 2022. We sold around 12 trillion yen in securities, mainly U.S. government bonds, in the April-September half. We have continued to sell since October.”
At today’s conversion rate, dumping 12 trillion yen in U.S. government bonds amounts to dumping $84.6 billion. When U.S. government bonds are sold in large quantities, it puts downward pressure on the price of the bond in the secondary trading market, resulting in higher yields. Higher yields, in turn, raise the debt service cost to the U.S. government.
祝福它们有个美好稳定的金融系统 |