战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-6-28
本帖最后由 储安平 于 2024-4-18 22:51 编辑
The best time for female egg quality is generally between the ages of 20-30 years old. Specifically:
20-24 years old
This is the golden period when egg quality peaks. During this age range, a woman's ovarian reserve is still relatively abundant, the ability for egg cells to mature is strongest, DNA integrity and chromosome stability are at their best, and the risk of malformations and genetic defects is lowest.
25-29 years old
Egg quality begins to slightly decline, but overall remains at a relatively good level. Most eggs maintain normal DNA and chromosome status. This stage is still an ideal time for childbearing.
30-34 years old
Egg quality continues to deteriorate, and the risk of chromosome abnormalities and DNA damage gradually increases. However, before the age of 35, most women still have a chance to obtain eggs of relatively good quality.
35 years and older
Egg quality declines significantly and rapidly. By 37-38 years old, only about 20% of eggs are in a normal, healthy state. After 40 years old, the vast majority of remaining eggs have more severe DNA defects or chromosome abnormalities.
Therefore, although individual variations exist, from the perspective of egg DNA quality and chromosome stability, the 20-30 year old range is the golden time for female fertility. Beyond this age range, the proportion of poor quality eggs rises quickly, and the risk of various genetic diseases increases substantially. |