战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2017-2-28
发表于 2025-2-4 06:24
王国拯救 2》是我多年来玩过的最独特、最有趣、最好玩的游戏。它能将你带入中世纪,这是前所未有的。与第一款游戏相比,它在技术上有了巨大进步。如果这款游戏在去年发布,它一定会获得 GOTY,今年它的竞争对手很多,但它会是一个强有力的竞争者。
对细节的关注堪比 Rockstar Games。游戏功能众多,你可以沉迷其中数小时。无论是当你醉醺醺、臭烘烘或满身是血地走来走去时 NPC 的有趣反应,还是搞笑的场景剪辑,抑或是便便滴落在厕所里,开发人员都考虑到了每一个细节。这是一款独一无二的游戏,你能感受到开发人员对它倾注的爱。
奖杯既有趣又有创意,通常会与其他任务结果挂钩,否则你就会错过,从而真正丰富了游戏体验。没有 1000 多件收藏品的臃肿,也没有无意义的磨练。
光是主线攻略我就花了 300 个小时,有些任务重玩了 15 次以上,以测试所有对话和查看所有任务结局。它从不会让人感到乏味。
这是我最引以为豪的作品之一,也是我从事指南工作 17 年来最有趣的项目之一。
I don't comment much on games these days but this one has been something special.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is the most unique, interesting, and entertaining game I played in years. It manages to transport you to the middle ages like nothing before it. A huge technical improvement over the first game. If it had released last year it'd have won GOTY, this year it has a lot of competition but will be a strong contender.
Insane attention to detail that rivals Rockstar Games. So many gameplay features you can get lost in for hours. Whether it's the funny reactions by NPCs when you walk around drunk or stinky or bloodied, or the hilarious cutscenes, or the poo dripping down latrines, the devs thought of every detail. It's a one-of-a-kind game where you can feel the love that the devs poured into it.
The trophies are fun and creative, often tied to alternate quest outcomes that you'd otherwise miss, thus actually enriching the experience. No bloat with 1000+ collectibles or pointless grind.
I spent 300 hours on the main walkthrough alone, replayed some quests 15+ times to test all dialogues and see all quest endings. It never got boring.
One of my proudest works, and one of the most fun projects I worked on over the 17 years I've been doing guides.
I highly recommend it!