战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2006-2-26
However, genres evolve, and what made sense during a certain era may not always hold true. Popular games like Final Fantasy XV have barely any resemblance to a traditional JRPG, having rather more in common with open world WRPGs like The Witcher 3, though there is still a distinct stylistic difference. Similarly, Capcom's Dragon's Dogma comes from a Japanese developer, but has more in common in looks and style with Western RPGs. There are plenty of turn-of-century Western-developed RPGs like Anachronox, Septerra Core, and Shadow Madness that are heavily inspired by Japanese games, while there are tons of Western indie RPGs, perhaps most popularly Undertale, which draw from similar sources. At this point, "JRPG" is far more a style than simply an RPG that came from Japan.
然而,流派是不断演化的,在某一特定时代看来合理的,可能并不总是适用。像《最终幻想15》这样的流行游戏与传统的JRPG几乎没有相似之处,它们更多地与《巫师3》这样的开放世界WRPG有共同之处,尽管它们在风格上仍有明显的差异。同样地,卡普空的《龙之信条》虽然出自日本开发者之手,但在外观和风格上与西方RPG有更多的共同之处。世纪之交有很多西方开发的RPG,如《Anachronox》、《Septerra Core》和《Shadow Madness》,它们深受日本游戏启发;同时也有大量的西方独立RPG,或许最受欢迎的是《undertale》,它也借鉴了类似的来源。在这一点上,“JRPG”更多地是一种风格,而不仅仅是一种来自日本的RPG。 |