战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2020-9-22
本帖最后由 zid99825 于 2024-3-26 12:08 编辑
Incorporate stories and themes from marginalized communities or emerging markets in a relatable way.
Steps to Achieve It
1. Set Goals for what you want to achieve & share them with your project members
Do planning at the start of projects to identify opportunities & obstacles.
Go through the 10 Product Inclusion actions to bring intentionality into your designs.
2. Identify & Utilize resources to help drive success
Co-Create your experience with the community to ensure that you are creating experiences that are relatable.
Leverage inclusive Listening systems to ensure that what you are creating is relatable.
3. Create & surface content that depicts diverse characters, stories and creators
Create playable characters that reflect the broader population. Review how identities represented on screen (gender identities, races, sexual orientations, ability status, ages, and body sizes) match up to the broader population. Make sure that characters are not tokenized or stereotyped based on their identities.
Review how identities represented in your product such as gender, race, sexuality, nationality, cultural, ability, age, and size compare to the broader global player population. Be intentional about which identities are present and highlighted according to what’s right for your product and market.
Make sure that characters are not tokenized or stereotyped based on their identities. No person or character can be a monolith to represent all people with that identity.
Practice inclusive casting for any talent required to bring representation to life in your product.
Validate your execution for your Inclusive Listening Systems (consultants/advisory councils, user research).