战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2019-1-7
本帖最后由 泰坦失足 于 2024-2-16 04:47 编辑
"Xbox will make 4 (unnamed) titles available for PS and/or Switch. Worried about the impact on Xbox hardware? Phil Spencer tells me boosting games sales can help fund future hardware, including new form factors"
总体来说就很抽象,我们把Xbox独占牌子砸了就为了钱造新的只能玩Xbox游戏的主机和掌机。"Having more outlets to increase games sales will give Microsoft the resources to move forward with some “early plans” for future consoles, as well as new devices, Gaming Chief Executive Officer Phil Spencer said Wednesday in an interview ahead of a press event.” Microsoft Is Taking Four Xbox Exclusives to PlayStation, Bloomberg Dina Bass