本帖最后由 莫夜戎 于 2023-10-10 16:20 编辑
《#塞尔达传说王国之泪# 》游戏总监藤林秀麿近期在接受每日电讯报采访时,谈到了本作希卡科技凭空消失的原因。
藤林表示,在前作的灾厄加侬被击败(封印)后,希卡科技(希卡塔与守护者)就消失了。海拉鲁的所有人都目睹了这一切,但它们的消失仍被视作一个谜团,没人知道具体的机制或原因。 人们普遍认为,它们完成了自己的使命,随着灾厄消散了。
Players have remarked in some cases on the lack of in-universe explanations for some of the changes to Hyrule. Notably that the Sheikah Towers and Guardians which were a central part of the Breath Of The Wild have disappeared entirely. Nintendo has its own internal explanations about what happened: “They disappeared after the Calamity was defeated (sealed),” Fujibayashi explains. “All of the people of Hyrule also witnessed this, but there is no one who knows the mechanism or reason why they disappeared, and it is considered a mystery. It is believed that since the Calamity disappeared, they also disappeared as their role had been fulfilled. “It is, anyway, commonplace for mysterious events and strange phenomena to occur in Hyrule,” he offers, mischievously. “Thus, people have simply assumed the reason behind the disappearance to likely be related to ancient Sheikah technology and it seems there is no one who has tried to explore the matter further. The main civilizations in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are completely different, so we thought about the game based on concepts that match each of these civilizations.” The short answer? Don’t worry about it. —— 来自 S1Fun