战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-7-16
本帖最后由 爱夏 于 2023-7-14 19:24 编辑
A person working in Monaco typically earns around 4,240 EUR. Salaries range from 1,300 EUR (lowest average) to 17,900 EUR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). We grouped the most common and recurring salaries into brackets to give more insight into what salary to expect. This method is more accurate than just the average salary and gives more insights into how salaries are actually distributed in Monaco. Around 65% of all reported figures are in the range 2,680 EUR to 6,390 EUR. Approximately 20% fall under the 2,680 EUR cap. Ten percent of wages are from 6,390 EUR to 8,080 EUR. Only 5% of people grossed 8,080 EUR or more.
百万在摩纳哥绝不是脱贫的程度 |