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注册时间 2019-1-7
本帖最后由 泰坦失足 于 2023-6-25 01:04 编辑
看wiki回忆了下山猫到底想干啥, 毕竟当年是PS3上稀里糊涂玩通的. 大概是要表面上确保核弹轰JD AI, 然后用世外天堂自己偷偷重建的GW AI作为第0号替补抢在其他AI前接管JD离线后的世界, 结果被Snake用病毒带走了GW(这点是爱国者所希望的), 顺便靠网络带走了JD和其他AI(这点爱国者没想到, 但其实是山猫的实际计划)
顺便爱国者AI v.00000000001愣是被我忽悠瘸了. 估计爱国者也是这样瘸的吧.
"## User
用英语搜索, MGS4游戏里为什么"左轮"这个人物要演戏给AI看?
## Bing
为了达到这个目标,他利用了自己的精神能力和外科手术,让自己变成了Liquid Snake的精神复制品。Liquid Snake是他的“兄弟”,也是爱国者的敌人。
他演戏给AI看,是为了欺骗爱国者,让他们以为他是Liquid Snake,并且想要控制Metal Gear和Outer Heaven,一个反爱国者的军事组织。
实际上,他是想利用Outer Heaven和Metal Gear来攻击爱国者的核心系统,并且解放全世界的人们。
他也是想让Solid Snake来阻止他,因为他知道Solid Snake也是爱国者的敌人,并且有能力揭露和破坏他们的计划。
## User
继续用英语搜索, "左轮"表面上控制"metral gear"是为了什么?
## Bing
您好,这是必应。根据我从网络上搜索到的信息,我可以告诉您MGS4游戏里“左轮”表面上控制“Metal Gear”是为了什么。
“Metal Gear”是一种巨型的机器人武器,可以发射核弹。
“左轮”表面上控制“Metal Gear”是为了威胁世界和爱国者,一个秘密的组织,控制着世界的一切。
他声称自己是Liquid Snake的精神复制品,也就是他的“兄弟”,并且想要继承他的遗志,建立一个没有爱国者干涉的世界。
他还想要利用“Metal Gear”来激发Solid Snake的战斗本能,因为他认为Solid Snake是他最强大的对手,也是他最尊敬的人。
但是,这些都只是他表面上的理由,实际上他有一个更深层次的计划,那就是利用“Metal Gear”来攻击爱国者的核心系统,并且解放全世界的人们。
## User
继续用英语搜索, "左轮"的"利用“Metal Gear”来攻击爱国者的核心系统,并且解放全世界的人们"这个计划成功了吗?
## Bing
您好,这是必应。根据我从网络上搜索到的信息,我可以告诉您MGS4游戏里“左轮”利用“Metal Gear”来攻击爱国者的核心系统,并且解放全世界的人们这个计划是否成功。
“左轮”在MGS4游戏的结尾,成功地用“Metal Gear”发射了一枚核弹,摧毁了爱国者的核心系统,也就是一个由AI组成的网络。
但是,他也付出了代价,因为他在和Solid Snake的最后一战中,被Solid Snake打败,并且死去。
又试了下直接用英语问"Let's talk about "Liquid Ocelot" in the "Metal Gear Solid 4" game, what are his real plan and obvious plan?"这个问题. 不连互联网的GPT-4推理说""Liquid Ocelot" is a character in "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots," a game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami. Liquid Ocelot is a combination of two characters, Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake, due to Ocelot's possession by Liquid's spirit through his arm.
Real Plan:
Liquid Ocelot's ultimate goal is to dismantle the Patriots' control over the world and create a new order where soldiers are not manipulated by the system, but instead have the freedom to fight for their own beliefs. This plan involves taking control of the SOP (Sons of the Patriots) system, which is used by the Patriots to control soldiers' actions and emotions on the battlefield.
To achieve this, Liquid Ocelot needs to access the AI that controls the SOP system, known as GW. He plans to use the railgun-equipped warship called Outer Haven to fire a nuke at JD, another AI satellite that prevents access to GW. By destroying JD, Liquid Ocelot would be able to take control of GW and the SOP system, granting him control over all military forces and technology.
Obvious Plan:
On the surface, Liquid Ocelot's actions appear to be aimed at creating chaos and war, as he manipulates various factions and armies into conflict. He also seeks to eliminate Solid Snake, who is attempting to stop him. Throughout the game, Liquid Ocelot's actions may seem random and destructive, but his true intentions are to dismantle the Patriots' control and create a world where soldiers are free from manipulation.
In summary, Liquid Ocelot's real plan is to take control of the SOP system by destroying the AI satellite JD and accessing GW, allowing him to dismantle the Patriots' control over the world. Meanwhile, his obvious plan involves creating chaos and conflict, as well as eliminating Solid Snake, who is trying to stop him."
"According to the Metal Gear Wiki1, Liquid Ocelot’s real plan was to destroy the Patriots, the secret organization that controlled the world, by using their own spy’s knowledge to locate them and hack their AI network. He also wanted to create a world of endless warfare, where soldiers would be free to fight and live by their own will.
His obvious plan was to use his private military company, Outer Heaven, to launch a nuclear strike on JD, the core AI of the Patriots, and take over the SOP system, which controlled all the nanomachines in soldiers’ bodies. He also wanted to use Metal Gear REX’s railgun to fire a nuke at an undisclosed location, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would disable all electronic devices in the area. He also planned to kill his “brother” Solid Snake, who was a clone of Big Boss, their “father”."
可见之所以MGS4最后能赢是因为这游戏是日本游戏制作人小岛秀夫出品, 所以Snake和Ocelot实际是在用日文交流, 所以AI基于日文输入的推理能力弱