战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2018-11-25
本帖最后由 Midnight.Coup 于 2023-5-10 00:32 编辑
**How is the accused project designed to circumvent your technological protection measures?**
The reported repository offers and provides access to circumvention software that infringes Nintendo’s intellectual property rights. Specifically, the reported repository provides Lockpick to users. The use of Lockpick with a modified Nintendo Switch console allows users to bypass Nintendo’s Technological Measures for video games; specifically, Lockpick bypasses the Console TPMs to permit unauthorized access to, extraction of, and decryption of all the cryptographic keys, including product keys, contained in the Nintendo Switch. The decrypted keys facilitate copyright infringement by permitting users to play pirated versions of Nintendo’s copyright-protected game software on systems without Nintendo’s Console TPMs or systems on which Nintendo’s Console TPMs have been disabled. Trafficking in circumvention software, such as Lockpick, violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States (specifically, 17 U.S.C. §1201), and infringes copyrights owned by Nintendo.
侵犯的点在于绕过 TPM 直接获取密钥,呃呃呃,挺牵强;而且这个方法最早是从老黄的硬件漏洞那边研究出来的
How is the accused project designed to circumvent your technological protection measures?
The reported repository offers and provides access to unauthorized copies of cryptographic keys that are used to circumvent Nintendo’s TPMs and infringe Nintendo’s intellectual property rights. Specifically, the reported repository provides to users unauthorized copies of cryptographic keys (prod.keys) extracted from the Nintendo Switch firmware. The prod.keys allow users to bypass Nintendo’s TPMs for digital games; specifically, prod.keys allow users to decrypt and play Nintendo Switch games in unauthorized ways. Distribution of keys without the copyright owner’s authorization is a violation of Section 1201 of the DMCA. See Microsoft corp. v. EEE Bus. Inc., 555 F. Supp.2d 1051, 1059 (N.D. Cal. 2008); Actuate Corp. v. Internat’l Bus. Machines Corp., 2010 WL 1340519 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 5, 2010). Additionally, the unauthorized distribution of prod.keys facilitates copyright infringement by permitting users to play pirated versions of Nintendo’s copyright-protected game software on systems without the Nintendo TPMs or systems on which Nintendo’s TPMs have been disabled. Furthermore, the unauthorized distribution of prod.keys extracted from the Nintendo Switch firmware constitutes copyright infringement of Nintendo Switch firmware itself. The reported repository violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States (specifically, trafficking in circumvention devices under 17 U.S.C. §1201), and infringes copyrights owned by Nintendo.
NS 固件中提取出来的 prod.keys 所有权是这台 NS 的购买者还是老任呢🤔,又是用了 DMCA 1201 这个臭名昭著的一节