战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2020-2-7
About doujinshi.wiki
This is just a temporary site for the currently dead doujinshi.org. Site is currently read-only. You can't upload new info at the moment.
I don't know yet if I'm gonna work more on it or kill it tomorrow. Just wanted to try to do some webdev since I'm somewhat rusty.
If the old site comes back, I'll shut this down.
I have the (archived)images and already integrated them to the site. The problem is that they're about 100GB and I can't pay for that kind of storage monthly. Also, character images are mising.
Databse source is the archive.org file and the nyaa torrent. It has missing information (like how to relate parent/child genres/content/parodies).
There is nothing to download here.
应该是不会有了 |