战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2022-2-23
本帖最后由 upisud20 于 2023-4-6 21:39 编辑
Basic Ganado voice lines
"Un forastero" - "An outsider"
"Donde Estas?" - "Where are you?"
"Sé que estás ahí" - "I know you are there"
"Ahí está" - "There he is"
"Agarrarlo" - "Catch him"
"No dejéis que se escape" - "Do not let him escape"
"Cuidado" - "Be careful"
"Puedes correr, pero no te puedes esconder" - "You can run, but you can't hide"
"¿Qué hacemos?" - "What do we do?"
"Debemos llevárselo" - "We need to take it to him"
"Hay que atraparlo" - "We need to catch him"
"Sigo patrullando" - "I'm still patrolling"
"No puede ser" - "It can't be"
"Ahí va eso" - "There it goes"
"Te voya hacer picadillo" - "I'm going to make mincemeat out of you"
"Detrás de ti imbécil" - "Behind you, imbecile"
"Id por detrás" - "Go from behind"
"Preparad la trampa" - "Prepare the trap"
"¿Qué coño?" - "What the hell?"
"Seguidle" - "Follow him"
"No me jodas" - "You've gotta be f**king kidding me" or "No f**king way"
"Puede con nosotros" - "He can take us out"
"¿Como es posible?" - "How is this possible?"
"Empieza a rezar" - "Start praying"
"Maldito" - "Damn you"
"Rindete" - "Surrender"
"Muerete" - "Die"
"Vengan rápido" - "Come here quickly"
"Te voy a matar" - "I'm going to kill you"
"Gloria a Las Plagas" - "Glory to The Plagues"
"Aprisa" - "Quickly" or "Hurry up"
"¡Se escapan los corderitos!" - "The lambs are getting away!"
"Perseguidles, guiádles hacia el perdón infinito." - "Chase them, guide them to infinite forgiveness."
"Ahí está" - "There he is"
"Ahí va eso" - "There it goes"