本帖最后由 welcom 于 2022-2-11 00:12 编辑
How to install Hyper-V on Windows 11 HomeYou might think it’s complicated to get Hyper-V running on Home editions of Windows, but it’s surprisingly simple. Here’s what you need to do: - Open Notepad (or another plain text editor) to create a text file.
- Paste the following content into the file:
pushd "%~dp0"dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hv.txtfor /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hv.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"del hv.txtDism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALLpause- Save the file with the name hv.bat. You can save it wherever you prefer.
- Once you’ve saved it, right-click the file and choose Run as administrator.
- Let the process run; it may take a while. Once it completes, you’ll have to restart your computer.
- Hyper-V should automatically be installed and you can find it by searching in the Start menu. It’ll be called Hyper-V Manager.