本帖最后由 MonicaRuan 于 2020-8-6 17:22 编辑
You can copy a board game, since rules and processes for playing a game are not copyrighted. But you need your own rule book. And you can "copy" the methods and styles of a videogame, which is why we have multiple first-person shooters on the market. But when it comes to a fictional setting, such as the story setting for a videogame, things get much stickier. When you continue a story or tell a new story based on the work of another author, you are creating a derivative work ( http://en.**.org/wiki/Derivative_work). Laws in the USA, the UK and Europe are similar in this area due to treaties specifically on this issue. There are lots of examples where a derivative work is an infringement on the copyright of the original; and lots of examples where it was "transformative" enough to be fair use. (see above link). Consultation of a copyright lawyer would be recommended here. It should not matter if you have entirely the same production team, because copyright law is meant to protect the actual rights holder. As for using the name of the original product: No, that is definitely a violation of the trademark on the original product. Trademarks exist specifically to limit how others can use the name of your product, preventing defamatory use, misrepresentation and (as in this case) dilution of the brand on the original trademark by "knock offs". And again, having a member of the production team does not help for marketing, but you can mention (in a sort of verbal resume) that they worked on game X, Y, and Z during interviews. Putting on the ads in a magazine would likely be ruled as a trademark infringement.
此外,按我的理解 - 玩法和规则可以沿用,但你不能复制粘贴一模一样的文字和素材。 - 你不能沿用原有作品的字面设定,比如火焰纹章1-3里有阿卡内亚大陆,你可以做一个叫水之符文的游戏里面有一个叫亚内卡阿的大陆,每个人设定有出入,但不能一样。 -------我忽然想到一个有趣的事,实际上火焰纹章1代之前有一款PC的战旗游戏叫盖亚纹章,只不过后者是汉字前者是假名 - 衍生作品和同人作品是法律上扯皮比较严重和灰色的区域,理论上有类似元素都可以告你,但原版权方需要衡量法务的代价。有些小的同人侵权了(虽然会在名字上打码,但是谁都知道是司马昭之心),你去打官司,不管是名誉还是金钱上都得不偿失。 - 官方网站和第一方的正式宣传文案最好不用原有名字(因为这是注册商标),以及原作品涉及的专利。同样,这涉及到原版权方法务代价的问题,并不是说完全不能使用,有些厂商其实不会太计较,但是使用了就要考虑风险。 - 我猜楼主也可能会想问HD-2D是不是SE的专利,其它作品使用了类似风格会不会涉嫌法律问题,这里我要说一下所谓SE注册HD-2D商标其实说白了是一个宣传噱头。好比苹果注册视网膜屏,索尼注册Hi-Res,还有AMD最近炒得火热的什么rdna2,这些实际上更多的是一种市场营销的标识而不是真正能形成壁垒的技术专利。因为这些标识通常是某种具体技术路线实现的一种效果,而不管是HD-2D,视网膜屏还是Hi-Res的技术参数,都可以用非常多种不同的方案达成。比如我小米华为也可以使用ppi达到或者超过苹果Retina的屏幕,但是我不能用这个标识。 - 前面举的加贺的例子是这方面最好的,他宣传的时候过于露骨:不停的提到火焰纹章,甚至在作品标题里直接用了FE这个字眼 - 第三方媒体报道的标题和介绍也可以放心地出现精神续作字眼,但是被采访者一般来讲都会避嫌。当然,文字采访都是一唱一和整理好的东西,网站会帮助被采访者避嫌,把可能有侵犯的内容弄成网站的介绍内容而不是被采访者的谈话。