战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2017-10-7
本帖最后由 bypass 于 2020-6-26 18:40 编辑
Ashley 倒是没太多强调这一点,主要是 Troy 和 Neil。
(24:20)Neil: M*therfucker, nobody loves this character (Joel) more than me.
不过说真的,我觉得三个人还是太过于执着认为,大家愤怒是因为乔尔死了,并且死得不光荣,前半个小时都是在讲乔尔在这个世界的死亡是正常的(19:10,what this story needed is a brutal cruel death for everything happens afterwards),Neil 也强调这一段的剧透导致玩家们情绪失控(31:50,then you play the person that killed him and they lose their shit understandably...they just live with that frustration and anger)。