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[PS4/5] [无评分]Polygon、Kotaku、Eurogamer的TLOU P2评测

发表于 2020-6-22 22:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
所以这几家的TLOU P2评测到底如何呢?

开场语:The Last of Us Part 2 depicts the future, yet it fails to escape its own past.
TLOU P2在描述未来,却没能走出过去。

中段节选:I don’t have any problem empathizing with the people who I’m asked to kill in video games. The Last of Us Part 2 must think I’ll struggle with it, though, since it doles out all sorts of reasons why I should feel regret about the murder spree its characters have embarked upon. But the game’s larger problem is that the characters themselves don’t ever seem able to catch up with me.

结尾:Part 2 ends up feeling needlessly bleak, at a time when a nihilistic worldview has perhaps never been less attractive. Its characters are surviving, but they’re not learning, and they’re certainly not making anything better.
Maybe the most surprising thing that The Last of Us Part 2 offered me was the surety that, while the game was made with great skill and craft, we are actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are.

开场语:Can a slick, mainstream action game really reckon with the violence that drives it? The answer is yes - messily, but powerfully.                                                                                                        

结尾:The thing that really struck me - and pleasantly surprised me, coming as it does from a developer so transparently in love with the language of cinema - is that The Last of Us Part 2's power is wholly unique to it being a video game. There is a special kind of empathy that develops between a player and a game protagonist that no other medium can reproduce. It's this bond that Druckmann and his team have exploited to such devastating effect. It is a sad and timely reminder of the simultaneous importance and impossibility of living someone else's experience. Play it, and listen.

开场语:Everything in The Last of Us 2 takes work. Every weapon reload, killing blow, and crafted item takes time and button presses. At times the game is painfully slow; even in the most action-packed sections you put in effort to move things forward. You’re paid for this work in a grim story and explicit violence. It can be exciting and beautiful, but mostly I just felt like shit.

中段节选:My playthrough of The Last of Us 2 felt terrible to experience. Over the course of my 27 hours with the game, it grew to the point of feeling nearly unbearable. This wasn’t because it asked me hard questions about my own capacity for harm or revenge, or pulled some Spec Ops: The Line-style moralizing about video game violence.  Despite Druckmann’s promised “philosophical questions,” I never felt like the game asked me anything. Instead, it told me “brutality,” repeatedly and louder, until by the end I couldn’t hear what it was trying to say at all. Characters make hideous, irredeemable choices, over and over. Everybody suffers, physically and emotionally, in graphic detail. This is all intended to prove a point, but the only point I got from the game was simply to be required to stare at violence, and play through violence, and then do that again, and more, and again, and more.
The Last of Us 2’s amount of cruelty and violence ultimately overwhelmed any chance of that relatability here. I didn’t find it prurient—the game doesn’t relish in its gory deaths or emotional suffering. It just takes every opportunity to show them, over and over, and decides that counts as saying something about them.
The game’s diversity, which I appreciated at the beginning, just felt like an equal opportunity for different kinds of people to suffer as the game went on. Eventually, my numbness turned to an anger I’ve never felt about a video game. Late one night, I paused the game and asked myself aloud if the developers thought I was stupid, if they thought the existence of violence had just never occurred to me before.

结尾:It’s a visually beautiful game that feels distinct to play, and the story it tells and how it tells it, at the most basic level, certainly pushes the edges of what games have done before. None of those accomplishments elevated or redeemed it for me. Like the nature consuming Seattle, or the outbreak consuming humanity, its ugliness overshadowed everything else.

结尾:If I had to level any complaints at the game, it would be that perhaps the final game doesn't quite match up to the full promise of the incredible E3 2018 demo embedded above. Don't get me wrong, it's close, but the animation work and shading doesn't quite live up to the full promise of that remarkable vertical slice. However, when you stand back and look at the achievement on the whole, this is an excellent sequel that greatly improves upon the core gameplay and level design of the original game. The story may not work for everyone - though I did enjoy it - but there's no question that this is a superior gameplay experience, integrated within one of the most impressive technological achievements of the generation.
要说有什么能抱怨的,那就是最终成品未能完全达到18年E3 demo的惊艳——别误会,它很接近了,只不过动画和渲染在深度上还差一点。但总的来说,它相比首作仍在核心机制和关卡设计上有了长足进步。剧情大概对不上所有人口味——我自己是挺喜欢的——但在本世代最惊人的技术加成下,gameplay体验无疑很棒。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-22 22:24 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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以前泥潭mc打分贴标题或者前几个基本就是ign gs gi polygon

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—— 来自 HUAWEI PCT-AL10, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.2.2.1

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