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注册时间 2018-8-2
本帖最后由 山竹罐头 于 2020-3-13 18:07 编辑
Game development especially in large scale is often divided into five phases: concept, preproduction, production, postproduction and aftermarket (Sloper 2009, 791). These five stages may include different things depending on the exact development method chosen, but all of them are generally part of creating a game. In the concept phase, the general concept of the phase is explored and decided as well as written down. In larger franchises and premade intellectual property of a publisher, the concept for a game can already be fairly ready, not needing a designer to work on it. (Sloper, 2009, 791-794.) A concept document is written in this phase and it's generally kept brief, spanning e.g. a few pages. Preproduction consists of forming the team and writing a design document for the game (Sloper 2009, 794). In the Cerny Method, this is also the phase in which the first playable is made. The reason to push a first playable version of the game as early as possible is to reduce overall costs for a studio or a publisher. If the project doesn't seem promising, only time and money up to this point will be sacrificed instead of going through full production. (McLeanForeman, 2002.) After preproduction, production naturally begins. This is the phase where the majority of the work on the game is done. If the first playable wasn't built in the preproduction phase, it is generally done here as soon as possible in order to evaluate the upcoming product (Sloper 2009, 816). Late in the production phase, the majority of the content, especially art, has been completed, but programming is not fully done (Sloper 2009, 821). This depends on the scale and type of a game built. Postproduction is after the game has been completed in its design and art, but some programming pieces are generally still missing or bugs have yet to be fixed (Sloper 2009, 824). In some definitions postproduction is extended to be a phase that lasts even after the initial launch of a product, covering bug fixes and even content patches. Most of the time postproduction is about polishing and finishing the product for consumers. The majority of game studios employ agile methods of development while working on a game (Tozour, 2014). According to the findings of Koutonen and Leppänen (2013, 6) based on a survey made to Finnish game developers, practices used in Scrum are most commonly used in preproduction and production as opposed to postproduction or the concept phase. The concept and and definition may differ, but many studios use an idea of a first playable. Mark Cerny defines this as a ”publishable” first playable in his description of the method named after him. Publishable first playable version of a game has two finished levels or areas and all needed features implemented for those levels. (Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, 2012.) This allows to make a more rational decision on whether to continue making to game or to scrap it. The publishable first playable might also be called minimum viable product or MVP (York, 2012).
—— Kaisanlahti, A., 2017. Applicability of Common Lisp in Game Development.
顽皮狗在日程协调上的混乱跟内部流水线式任务分配模式所导致的低效开发并不矛盾——开发不可能三角只有正向没有反向。原文中也说得比较明显了,问题在于不完善的敏捷开发模式与原有the Cerny method任务分配之间的矛盾。Cerny Method本来强调的就是风险控制而非效率——况且对于游戏这种低边际成本的产业来说,委员会制的小开发组效率吊锤大型流水线项目组这种事还见得少吗,需要你特地来当灯塔?
如果你还不能理解的话,不妨去读读Tracy Fullerton,或者干脆看一遍For Honor的纪录片《Playing Hard》,你就能明白我在说什么了。 |