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Dungeons and demons: 6th edition 恶魔与地下城:第六版(DND)
the count of Kadingr Cristo 卡丁格伯爵(基督山伯爵)
EAT. RIP. TEAR 吃,撕,扯(饭祷爱)
fifty shades of slay 五十度杀(五十度灰)
slayenstein 屠杀肯斯坦(弗兰肯斯坦)
Don Slayote (堂吉诃德)
Slayerhouse Five 五号杀手房(五号屠宰场)
My Best Friend, Daisy 我最好的朋友黛西(?)
The ripping tree 撕裂者大树(?)
the guts of Wrath 愤怒的内脏(愤怒的葡萄)
the man in the high argent tower 亚金塔奇人(高堡奇人)
how to stop worring and start slaying 如何停止担心,开始屠杀(how to stop worring and start living)
the slayer's tale 杀手的故事
the art of Rip and Tear 撕裂的艺术
The power of Positive Ripping and Tearing 积极撕裂的力量(the power of Positive thinking)
the very hungry cacodemon 饥饿的脑魔(The very hungry caterpillar)
demon farm 恶魔农场(动物农场)
ten dollars left to spend, an inspirational tale by ugrh Tam? 兜里的最后十美元:一个鼓舞人心的故事(?)
the Great Gutsby 了不起的肠子比(了不起的盖茨比)
to kill a mockingdemon 杀死一只嘲讽魔(杀死一只知更鸟)
1984 Dead Demons 1984头死恶魔(1984)
Green Eggs and Pentagram 绿鸡蛋和五角星(真实存在的专辑?)
The Caco in the Rye (?)
The picture of Dorian Slay 道林杀手的画像(道林格雷的画像)
Atlas Ripped and Teared (?)
how to win friends and Kill Demons 如何赢得朋友,杀死恶魔
My Buddy Superfly by HiroMiyamoto我的兄弟superfly(superfly是fly吗?)
Why I'm So great Pt.II by Dork Norkem 我为什么这么牛逼2
Devilish Daggers & other assorted pointy Objects 恶魔般的匕/首和其他带尖儿的玩意儿
Liandri, a brief history of Interplanetary Industry 行星际产业简史
Onboard AI System Technical Manual 舰上AI系统技术手册
Mesa Science Monthly: Predicting Unforeseen Consequences Mesa科学月刊:预测无法预测的后果
U-NAT-CO Training Manual: Bomb Defusal 国际反恐怖联盟训练手册(杀出重围)
the spear of destiny: a post-war deconstruction 命运之矛:战后解构理论
Living with Rage and other common emotions in the apocalyptic wasteland 生而狂怒——以及其他启示录废土上的常见情感
the strogg: A transdimensional Field Study 对生化人的实地考察
RET-CONNED: the life and times of flynn taggart 弗林塔格特小传(doom1和2的主角)
from nopefish to dopefish:the dope tale 从无名小鱼到dopefish:dope的故事(id那条绿鱼)
TEI TENGA, offworld travel guide 异世界旅行指南
cooking from hell kitchen,thy flesh consumed 地狱厨房菜谱:吃的是你的肉
2 prey or not 2 prey 祈祷还是不祈祷
vault Dweller's Survival Guide, preparing yourself and your loved ones for the inevilable nuclear Apocalypse 地下居民的生存指南:为你和你的家人准备好应对核启示录
how to comb your mustache by Cliffton M.Fischbach 如何梳小胡子
where the sanest place is behind a trigger, 是初代DOOM吗
the art of doom
翻了一下,有几个还是根本抓不住梗不知道在说什么,拜托坛友 请指导我