战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2011-6-12
本帖最后由 redsibyl 于 2019-11-1 16:11 编辑
The vast majority of its 70 main story missions are structured in the same way as the optional side missions we’ve all run in countless other open-world games.
1. 就好象之前演示的一样,整个流程中你要花大量的心思在Sam该带哪些装备道具,怎么摆放上(后来编辑发现可以自动摆放,但还是很麻烦)
But Death Stranding turns that routine into a grueling exercise in frustration thanks to what is possibly the most aggravatingly literal inventory system ever conceived in a video game.
2. 死亡搁浅构造了一个非常美丽的开发世界,然而主线大量重复的快递任务以及路上的种种困难,这旅途变成了一种折磨。虽然在将近10小时的游戏流程后你就可以有载具了,但是很多的地形是用不了载具的。
Roughly 10 hours in, during the lengthy third chapter ………………along with the means to craft vehicles like a nimble reverse trike………………………………
it’s a lecture your parents used to give you when you complained about having to walk to school.
3. 战利品的问题,经历过漫长困难的战斗后,你拿到的奖励就是些垃圾。(类似刺客信条满地图的问号,好不容易杀光了给了把垃圾紫武器,一点钱的味道)
4. 之前提到的Bridge Link,这系统能够极大的缩短快递时间!!!看上去一定程度上缓解了之前提到的重复劳动让人疲劳的问题。然而编辑也提到了这系统的两个大问题。一个是会有闸总进行错误的标记和建造(类似马造2,假路,死路)
I was both surprised and delighted to revisit a stretch of road I had built some 20 hours earlier on the other side of the map to find that it had long since sprouted into a lengthy highway all thanks to the persistence of others.
还有个问题是,在Bridge Link建造非常好的地方,游戏难度又一下子降的太低导致战斗过于容易(233。。。
they look amazing but have fairly one-dimensional attack patterns and easily pinpointed weaknesses.