战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-2-16
至少这次Pi 4的图形部分的硬件升级了!
“•VideoCore VI graphics, supporting OpenGL ES 3.x”
“but note that this isn't even neccesarily a speed thing - the pi1-3 simply couldn't run GLES 3.x instruction set, which meant it uses slower, less accurate GLES 2.x pathways, or it couldn't run certain 3d emulators at all.
it was never a GPU speed issue. even in n64 games with slowdown, 9/10 the slowdown would be caused by one or both of: nonoptimal GLES2 pathway, very slow system bus. both of these issues should be eliminated with the pi4.”
以前模拟N64都不行 其实并非是Pi 3的图形部分速度真的慢, 而是Pi1-3不支持GL ES 3.X指令集, 因此只能用低效而且不精确的 ES 2.X
而且以前Pi 3模拟N64的卡顿 十有八九是因为未针对GL ES2.X优化 或者 巨慢的总线
所以这次的Pi 4有望把PS2以前的主机都成功模拟 |