战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2018-3-15
resonant arc
前身是dark pixel gaming,dark pixel的一个子频道。dark pixel之前是做一些youtube爆款视频,游戏只是一个业余项目。现在mike(频道主)正式把重心放到了游戏上,改名为resonant arc。不高产但是做出来的review视频我都觉得达到了他自己定下的目的:
It's not about informing people haven't played something about whether or not they should. It more about recapturing the feeling people had when they played through those games for the first time, and helping them understand even more on an even deeper level why those games were so effective.
我一开始是很少看这种review的视频的,更多的是自己埋头打游戏,但是看了他的几个之后开始关注了,这一段话也正是我看review类视频的目的。 |