战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2006-1-27
And no, Siri is not eavesdropping. The letter went into specifics about how iPhones can respond to voice commands without actually eavesdropping. It has to do with locally stored, short buffers that only wake up Siri if there’s a high probability that what it hears is the “Hey, Siri” cue.
A buffer is a chunk of audio that’s continually recorded over and thus, by definition, isn’t archived. In short, “always listening” is pretty restricted: an iPhone has only a short amount of recorded audio at any time. That audio is only used to identify the trigger phrase “Hey Siri,” and it’s only stored locally.
有些人其实挺好玩 这些执行代码都是公开的 要权限也是公开的 要做到也是很容易 不懂代码的话 请不要妄自下定论说人家是再窃听你 码农都是骗子 骗你有啥好处?
至于一直插电的设备 比如echo这种 好像是有说法是 他们分析所有的东西的 因为不用考虑耗电
要问是不是能做到一直听你 肯定做得到啊 挂在后台要听筒权限一直运行就是了 电池消耗肯定特别快 你查一下就知道那个了。。 |