战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2002-8-8
本帖最后由 紫水晶 于 2019-1-19 10:12 编辑
今天 00:47 来自 微博 weibo.com
由 @腾讯游戏 自主研发的《#无限法则#》游戏,在公开的隐私策略中明确写道可能会收集用户的 S·h·a·d·o·w·s·o·c·k·s 的服务配置信息。隐私条款原文:O网页链接 请各位玩家自行斟酌。
你搜集我的 IP 地址就算了,你为什么要搜集我 SS 的配置。我更好奇你想怎么搜集我的配置?把我电脑文件上传上去?怎么你要看看我用什么加密什么混淆,然后去给某个东西添砖加瓦么?我建议你把 V2Ray 啥的也搜集了,然后在提交个身份证和户口本,玩游戏之前再备个案,一窝端了得了。这是不是有点超出你该搜集的隐私范围了?@无限法则官方微博
when you are using the Game our security feature collects user basic hardware information (manufacturer, model number, serial number information, input devices and displays), operating system information, machine codes for security authentication, user account information, network information, network filters, handle information, information about installed anti-virus software, information related to script (plug-in) in browser, process files and memory data during Game play, driver information loaded during Game play, dump file that records crash details when a crash occurs, virus interception information in anti-virus software, installed script (plug-in) data, running script (plug-in) data, data of computer process which may used by script (plug-in), user behaviour and status that may be related to plug-in use, , event tracing, known files related to cheat tools, debug tools, virtual machine tools, paths, hashes and hooks in use when the Game is running, image files, memory image, shellcode loaded by the Game, system API calls, method calls, system procedures and related data of active windows, information on in-game modules, game screenshots and server configuration of ShadowSocks; |