战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2008-4-15
关键词 vlc snapshot timestamp
As of version 0.9.0, you may even use variables in the text used for the filename. For example, $T (must be upper case) will insert the video's time code into the file name. If you were to change the prefix to Friends-$T- while watching a DVD of Friends, then the snapshot filenames would look something like this: Friends-00_05_21-2014-01-16-14h57m19s163.png. This indicates a snapshot taken at 5 minutes and 21 seconds into the video; and it was taken on this day at this time: 2014-01-16-14h57m19s163.
For a shorter file name, check the "Sequential numbering" option in the configuration box (below). Instead of numbers like 2014-01-16-14h57m19s163, VLC will simply insert the count of snapshots for that session--for example, 00004. Thus, in the example above, a snapshot with sequential numbering would look like this: Friends-00_05_21-000001.png |