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注册时间 2012-3-9
本帖最后由 xjtxp 于 2018-10-18 08:06 编辑
西斯尊主Darth Zash
西斯尊主Darth Zash,出场时的她是一个很美丽的御姐阿姨,精通西斯魔法与古代西斯相关知识。
在她即将附身成功之即,玩家的仆人——Khem Val(数千年前某以光剑格斗著称的古代西斯尊主的小弟),被封印千年后给玩家放出,之后效忠玩家——及时上前一挡,于是这位阿姨的灵魂进入了这具Khem Val的身体:
是美女变妖婆后,再次变野兽(外加改变性别),并跟Khem Val的意识共享这具身体。
因为Khem Val跟玩家有原力契约,这具身体不能伤害玩家,所以……她只能帮徒弟打工了
其实当初Zash阿姨使用Khem Val的身体时,发御姐音说话时感觉挺萌——尤其是用撒娇口气的御姐音,配合这具身体,有种反差萌
按照老外从星战网游《旧共和国》未发售部分文件提取出的更新文字内容,基佬社这帮家伙,好像是……打算让玩家可以恋爱Khem Val
Khem: I grow ever more hungry. I long to hunt again, my Master. Do not keep me waiting, for I grow hungry. Since I awakened, I have been consumed by a desire for freedom, and revenge against the witch. Without them, I am only a shadow-killer.
[OPTION 1] Player: You're a part of the Alliance now. It may take some time for people to warm up to you, but we have many strong allies.
Khem: A shadow-killer does not put on false pretenses to impress others. Yes. I will find one who smells strong and challenge them to a duel. Sparring is an excellent way to identify one's weaknesses. Perhaps your allies are stronger than they look. But if anyone dishonors you, I will make them suffer.
[OPTION 2 ROMANCE] Player: I'm back for good, Khem. You don't have to be alone again.
Khem:: Truly? Then there is more I must say....The Force used to satisfy my hunger, but no longer. I'm neither a slave nor a captive of the witch, and the freedom overwhelms me. I long to be bonded. Your scent is much changed--you are stronger, infused with the essence of the Force. Your aroma is intoxicating, and I fear I will soon lose control.
[OPTION 1] Player: I didn't realize Dashades were interested in romance.
Khem: If we wish to be together, we must be bonded using the ancient rituals. If I displease Mistress Death, she will drive me mad and force me to devour you.
Player: I've always wondered what ancient Dashade rituals looked like.
Khem: It is rare, but there are certain steps which must be taken....
[OPTION 2 ROMANCE] Player: I find your scent rather...intoxicating, too.
Khem: Is this true? Then I must explain...
Player: I've always wondered what ancient Dashade rituals looked like.
Khem: I am honored, my Master. We will need many sacrifices for the blood rituals. I will leave immediately.
Player: A goodbye kiss, then?
Khem: Forgive me, Master. It is forbidden. Mistress Death is the soul of envy--she must be appeased.I will begin gathering the sacrifices. This will take much time. If you require me in the meantime, Master, you only need to ask.
[OPTION NO ROMANCE] Player: I'm sorry, Khem. I'm not ready to make that kind of...commitment.
[OPTION 3 NO ROMANCE] Player: I've heard too much already, Khem.
Khem: I'm ashamed, Master. I should not have spoken such things. Forgive me for speaking so openly.
[OPTION 3] Player: If you're trying to make friends, you should stop harping on about "Mistress Death."
Khem: Your allies reek of weakness, but for now, I will hunt offworld. I seek stronger prey to sate my appetite.
[IDK where these lines happen, probably when speaking about "romance"]
Player: It must be lonely without other Dashades.
Khem: We are allied by our service to Mistress Death, but little more. You and Tulak Hord have been greater allies than my kin. Now I travel offworld, to find your people and await your arrival.
好像有很多人误会了,这次可能添加的恋爱剧情不是师父啊,是Khem Val本人。师父的灵魂之前开始是跟Khem Val的灵魂共用身体,做为徒弟的NPC队友。
然后师父用久了还表示觉得Khem Val的身体其实挺不错,但无论如何她不打算跟Khem Val的灵魂共享身体。后来的任务里,她的灵魂跟Khem Val的灵魂争夺身体控制权时玩家需要做出选择,或者帮师父把Khem Val的灵魂扔拉卡塔人的心灵监狱里,或者帮Khem Val把师父的灵魂扔心灵监狱里,剩下的灵魂独享身体。
上面的剧情是Khem Val本人的,而且……虽然师父用久了表示觉得Khem Val的身体其实挺不错。但如果保留师父的灵魂,之前显示的信息里,如今师父已经更换不再用Khem Val的身体了