战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2007-2-17
本帖最后由 匿名用户 于 2018-9-2 20:32 编辑
首页的详细 Changelog 里面没说重制无名岛的事,我一个多月前看 Kickstarter 上他们工作室谈 DE 版的更新也没有提过。大致内容我之前发过其他地方:
1. 后期部分的故事内容加强,修改了 15 万字,新增了 13 万字。
2. 加入了一些战斗,平衡了部分战斗,难度曲线上升更平滑。
3. 经济系统调整。
4. 减弱原力技能。(Skills like Arrow Storm and Meteor Shower will still be super cool, but not an 'I win' button. 这句话说得挺好)
5. 图腾增强,避免后期无用。
6. 限制了独狼天赋。(限制了属性上限,现在的独狼天赋太强了。)
7. 增强了部分出场率很低的天赋和技能。
8. 敌人 AI 增强。
9. 优化性能,避免特定场景的掉帧。
10. 加了新音乐,每个角色都有各自的主题音乐,且随剧情发展变化。
另外还有松鼠骑士的 DLC,PC 版已购原版的用户免费获得,主机版用户预购获取。
https://www.kickstarter.com/proj ... sin-2/posts/2207876
这 DE 版说穿了就是移植到主机的时候顺便给原版做了下优化。
另外,为了增强法系,除了增强 Torturer 天赋之外,护甲数值也确实调过:
Improved Hardcore Mode
Hardcore players are assumed to always take advantage of the crit\special\SP\combo skills, which grow in number and relative potency throughout the game. This means that relative player power steadily grows with each Act and we cannot use a single multiplier for enemies of all Acts in Hardcore. But in Vanilla, that is what we did. We changed that in Definitive Edition.
On Vanilla, in hardcore mode, the nominal enemy Effective Defence is 4.35 and player Effective Defence is 1.93 throughout Hardcore. This makes Act 1 of Hardcore very tough, and sometimes a drag. However, if we assume that a hardcore player’s damage output increases from use of SP skills, combos and high crit builds by at least 1.3, enemy Effective Defence drops to 3.35 by the end of the game. We can assume that player Effective Defense is also at least 1.3 higher than normal from the use of high-resistance potions, better gear picked up in secret locations, better Armour management. In addition, Physical Armour multiplier should be raised slightly above Magic Armour multiplier to offset prevalence of physical damage stacking builds.
In order to keep enemy Effective Defence just below 4.0 for MA and just above 4.0 for PA and player Effective Defence just below 2.0, we switched the multipliers as follows:
Enemy MA +(35+(Level-1)*2)%, enemy PA +(40+(Level-1)*2.5)%, enemy damage +(30+(Level-1)*3)%.