战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2016-11-9
发表于 2018-12-20 10:56
zjk4102323 发表于 2018-12-20 10:19
"Zheng Jiang has been an intriguing character to work with from a research perspective, as records differ as to whether a single person or two people carried the name. After reviewing the sources of information available with our historical consultant Dr. Rafe De Crespigny, we all felt that the strongest case is made for two individuals. So while Zheng Jiang is a Warlord and faction leader in her own right, a second character named Lue Zheng also appears within her faction, as her close friend and second-in-command. "
张磊夫自己不也在文章里写了another interpretation么
我吐槽的是想不通到底为什么要加个Lue Zheng,如果说只是郑姜是一个人还是两个人的问题,当作一次考据错误也不是不行,Lue Zheng一出我就真不懂CA的脑回路了 |