战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2004-2-22
本帖最后由 twister 于 2016-2-17 22:52 编辑
卡表堂堂格斗游戏界一哥,出个招牌街霸测了n次,结果正式版和试玩版差不多,不支持大多数摇杆、键盘不能改键位,故事模式关卡短,明显半成品挂steam卖300多……相比之下,这两年 ARC SYSTEM WORKS要良心的多,战斗幻想曲、ggxxac几个过气游戏的移植中规中矩,圣灵之心3、苍翼默示录、ggxxrd几个较热门的移植原汁原味,分量十足,各类模式一应俱全,可玩性高,看来还是先放下街霸,安心等3月2日的苍翼幻之刻印了……
Network / server-side issues (PC & PS4):
Online connectivity - login and intermittent connectivity issues should be less frequent as the service stabilizes now that all platforms and regions have launched.
Matchmaking issues – the issue should be fixed now as the team identified the root cause and have implemented a server side fix few moments ago. Please check https://mobile.twitter.com/sfvserver for the latest updates and server status
Fighter ID corruption - a small number of PC users have reported their Fighter ID getting corrupt after account registration. We’re aware of this issue and will have a fix in place shortly to prevent this from happening further.
PC-specific issues:
Game boot-up/crashing issues - some of these issues may be attributed to certain Anti-Virus software preventing the game executable from launching due to a false-positive error. We recommend users add StreetFighterV.exe and/or the game installation directory to the exclusion list to prevent this issue.
There are other non-reproducible crashes or stability issues that we’ll be looking into. We appreciate if you can continue sending feedback through the official Steam Bug Reporting thread with as much details as possible so that we can attempt to reproduce and fix the issue.
Feature asks (PC):
Native DirectInput support - this was one of the more consistent requests we’ve received from the PC community. We realize many fans prefer to use their existing PS3/PS4 compatible Arcade Sticks on PC which are DirectInput-based, so we are actively looking into adding this feature in an upcoming patch. In the meantime, players can use popular XInput remapping tools such as the X360CE[www.x360ce.com].
Expanded key re-binding functionality - we are also looking into expanding key binding option to allow customers to freely map keys beyond the default B/N/M/,/H/J/K/L keys.
In-game language options - the currently set language is based on the Operating System’s UI language. We are looking into adding language options via the Steam client launcher in an upcoming patch.
Resolution Switching – current design requires users to cycle through each in-between resolution setting in order to arrive at a resolution of their choice. We’ll look into making this process much simpler and less time consuming in the future.
Lastly, we’ll provide another round of updates shortly, as soon as we have a solid timeline for when these feature additions will be ready. Please stay tuned! |
卡普空将会针对《街头霸王5》(Street Fighter V)出现的状况发布升级补丁。厂商表示,开发团队正在着手增加更改键位的功能,并将添加原生DirectInput支持。不仅如此,卡普空还将修正一些PC版特有的小问题。
目前并没有固定节点可以重复触发的崩溃问题和稳定性问题。希望玩家能继续通过Steam Bug报告讨论区来反馈游戏中遇到的问题,我们所拿到的细节越多,就越能顺利修复这些问题。