战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2014-11-16
古早的cd游戏直接把音轨当bgm用的才行吧, 按照melonds的开发团队的说法, ds是做不到这种模拟的
https://github.com/melonDS-emu/m ... ecomment-1179844692
in addition to what arisotura said , another reason why this isnt possible is because of the way the ds handles audio , where nearly all games have sequenced audio , which runs in real time with the game , so think of it as speeding up the game speeds up the sequenced audio as well . the only way i can see your idea happen is if the game had streamed audio , which doesnt run in sync with the game as far as i know , just told to be played and looped indefinitely