2077 黑屋演示评价出了
本帖最后由 江南映月 于 2019-6-12 07:48 编辑有点担心了,想起了前不久说2077有点像圣歌的话了。 没意义。等成品呗 波兰人不是剧情牛逼么,demo也玩不出来。况且也是一家之言 那么答案是什么
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端 IGN都已经把流程的文字描述放出来了
—— 来自 samsung SM-N9500, Android 9上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.1.2 这游戏的重点是剧情吧,战斗不要太烂就行 没啥人会对CDPR的游玩内容抱有期待吧,当个高自由度的3Dgal把剧情演出搞好就行了 说剧情的在搞笑了,ign和gamespot的采访都出了,都说了这游戏与巫师3最大的区别是游戏性,自己去看有这么难吗 等科隆展自己就能看到了,我反正不急 又开始圣了 easyallies9个成员去了7个……等11点他们说法吧 Trollestia 发表于 2019-6-12 08:00
可不可信也看看咯,反正一家之言 顺便一说,因为刚放出来那张大雕萌妹的游戏内广告海报,推上一堆LGBTQ&$&@*(@#&人士又爆炸了
—— 来自 samsung SM-N9500, Android 9上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.1.2 roroy23 发表于 2019-6-12 08:13
这游戏12分了 本帖最后由 琳翠 于 2019-6-12 08:35 编辑
sk86 发表于 2019-6-12 08:05
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端 ...没说不重视剧情,而是说gameplay非常重要,不像前面几楼猜测的只有剧情
Johnny Silverhand confirmed 'digital ghost' the digital ghost may change if you choose another childhood hero
>Cyberpunk is a narrative-driven open-world action RPG.
>They're going to focus on the gameplay mechanics this time.
>You can change V's hair color, skin color, eye color, and facial features. There are lots of facial customization options.
>When meeting your Voodoo Boys contact, the "street kid" life path choice opened up an alternate dialogue option.
>Perks also affect dialogue options.
>There's real-time translation of someone talking to you in Creol, thanks to an implant chip. They speak it and you just read subtitles.
>There are lots of shops to find, and more stuff unlocks as your street cred goes up.
>You can travel across the whole world freely and seamlessly with no loading screens.
>We come across some Animal guards boxing against a bot. We use a "quick hack" from afar on the bot to turn up the difficulty and it knocked the dude out cold. It's super funny and still stealthy.
>We're now using a developer tool to go back to the middle of the mission to replay it as a more strength-focused version of V to open that door by force. This opened a new path that skipped the guys we had to sneak by entirely.
>The environments are fairly destructible, with walls and pieces of cover getting torn up with bullet holes during a fight.
>You have the choice to incapacitate the agent, ask him to back up the claim, use your Street Kid option to relate to the Voodoo Boys, and a few others.
>There are lots of clothing customization options.
>"Players can play the entire game without killing an enemy if you wish."
>You can go into the net which looks like a tron/matrix world 8分不算高吧。。。 roroy23 发表于 2019-6-12 08:13
—— 来自 Xiaomi Mi Note 3, Android 8.1.0上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.1.2 琳翠 发表于 2019-6-12 08:23
Johnny Silverhand confirmed 'digital ghost' the digital ghost may change if you choose another chi ...
那大多数人都会选基努啊 不知道另外几个digital ghost是什么 会不会和基努一样爆炸 本帖最后由 琳翠 于 2019-6-12 08:33 编辑
sk86 发表于 2019-6-12 08:05
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端 ...
Keanu Reeves was approached about 1 year ago.
25 minute long gameplay presentation at the E3 public booth.
50 minute press exclusive gameplay demo at E3.
Will show to everyone else when it's ready.
Buildings with multiple floors add a large amount of space and verticality to what might normally not seem so large.
The new demo is in Pacifica, a failed touristic district, and one of the most dangerous places.
Pacifica is much less populated and has no one standing authority.
District differences are reminiscent to the differences between areas in W3 such as Skellige and Novigrad, including enemies.
3 pillars to make the game. Open world, gripping narrative, and freedom of gameplay.
You play as your own character, fully customized. These customizations, as well as additional "perks" will change your playthrough due to contextual dialogue options.
Example: Cyberninja - higher reflexes, higher melee skills, stealth gameplay, the ability to play the game without killing a single enemy. Roleplay your own fantasy.
Freedom of gameplay is a key difference between CP 2077 and W3.
What makes this game a CDPR RPG is the ambition of the game. This is a similar jump in quality compared to the differences between W1, W2, and W3.
Seems very interested in taking the system that was found in Mass Effect, using your background to effect your gameplay and story, and expanding on that to give a more distinct experience to everyone. 墙上那张。他们觉得 CDPR being h0rny and fetishizing trans girls. 真是特么容易GC啊这帮人https://i.loli.net/2019/06/12/5d0046f0a5c9548746.png
—— 来自 samsung SM-N9500, Android 9上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.1.2 roroy23 发表于 2019-6-12 08:13
话说LGBT人士跳脚不就说明做的好吗 陈玉礼 发表于 2019-6-12 08:27
那大多数人都会选基努啊 不知道另外几个digital ghost是什么 会不会和基努一样爆炸 ...
Keanu Reeves Is More Than A Cameo In Cyberpunk 2077
https://www.gameinformer.com/e3-2019/2019/06/11/keanu-reeves-is-more-than-a-cameo-in-cyberpunk-2077?amp 国内游戏媒体有啥公信力么
造谣,抄袭,云,软广,恰饭! 那么有啥游戏demo一般 成品质量爆炸的吗
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端 怎么感觉像蹭热度 顺便提一句,游戏关卡设计负责人说这游戏两大灵感来源是杀出重围初代和吸血鬼:避世之血族 琳翠 发表于 2019-6-12 08:23
Johnny Silverhand confirmed 'digi ...
看这描述感觉还不错啊,有这个水平肯定不会雷成圣歌那样。 他打分管个锤子用,像IGN和GS这样直接把信息列出来让大家自己看啊 正规媒体不看,干嘛看这些阿猫阿狗? roroy23 发表于 2019-6-12 08:13
擦,那波兰人是真的给力,敢和LGBT正面刚,不过这么做很可能就直接把自己排出goty评选之外了, 有人就是喜欢吃别人消化之后拉出来的屎啊 本帖最后由 看别人玩游戏 于 2019-6-12 09:06 编辑
雷是不会雷的,就是跟高预期比了,等成品吧 这种看个demo就只给个分有个鸟用真有水平就像ign那样把信息一条条列出来都是干货 去年48分钟演示也有了大家可以自己体会这次gameplay上的差别不过话说回来CDPR还是不要总放演示调大家胃口的最好直接上试玩媒体试玩也行真正的上手感受才是正道 这种屎有必要信吗
-- 来自 能看大图的 Stage1官方 iOS客户端 国内的媒体 2077没砖楼啊。
官宣支持RTX了,微博上也有官宣,上面那张图是官宣两张图中的一张。 琳翠 发表于 2019-06-12 08:49:18
顺便提一句,游戏关卡设计负责人说这游戏两大灵感来源是杀出重围初代和吸血鬼:避世之血族 ...神作了
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 iOS客户端