战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2002-2-8
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发表于 2003-8-20 00:11
The Vayeate, built on the same basic frame as its Mercurius twin, was armed only with a large beam cannon. This cannon was designed to provide a damaging blow almost equivalent to that of the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam\'s powerful buster rifle. To overcome the problem of the buster rifle\'s limited charge, the scientists designed a large energy collector, providing the Vayeate\'s beam cannon with a virtually limitless \"ammunition\" charge.
拜立特所装备的BEAM CANNON威力与WING高达的爆裂来福相同 优点是不像WING那样只有3发的限制
Mercurius\' most important tool, however, was its group of \"planet defensers,\" which were small hovering units whose positions and deployment could be remote-controlled by the Mercurius\' pilot.
米利克利兹装备了10个planet defenser 能够抵御强大的粒子武器
而贝路各只装备了4个 贝路各2装备8个 |