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注册时间 2003-6-23
フランスの新EchoにSCEヨ`ロッパのChris Deering氏がPSPやPSX、そしてPS3の事をZったそうです。PSXについては「ハ`ドディスクレコ`ダ`、DVDレコ`ダ`、チュ`ナ`等のC能を持つ。今年末に日本でk佑瓒ā工燃瘸銮螭韦摺¥饯筏PS3についても「(Deering氏は情螭虺訾筏郡oかったという事で)今言えるのは2004年には出ない。今年末に生b_始がはじまるCELLの技gが使われる」と既出情螭韦摺¥扦工、PSPについては本体の格?摔膜い普Zっています。
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering recently shed new light on the company's plans for several future products including the portable "PSP," hybrid "PSX," and PlayStation 3. When asked about the company's plans to position the PSP in the market by French newspaper Les Echos, Deering said, "Our portable console PSP will ship to European retailers late next year. Aside from games, it will be able to to playback music and movies. As for pricing, it will certainly be less than portable DVD players and likely more comparable to Nintendo's GameBoy Advance."
When asked about Sony's hybrid electronics machine dubbed "PSX," Deering answered, "It will be equipped with a variety of components including a hard-drive, DVD writing capability, TV tuner and more. It will go on sale in Japan later this year, but we expect it to appeal only to technophiles."
As for Sony's PlayStation 3, Deering was less reluctant to offer any solid information. However, he did say players shouldn't expect to see the console anytime soon. "All I can really say is that it definitely won't launch in 2004." It's believed the PlayStation 3 will utilize Sony's new CELL processor technology which is set to begin production and testing later this year. |