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[青黑无脑不要游戏只求一战] 在NGA看有人贴gs女编辑对2077的评论,为啥网络时代游戏评论媒体还是高高在上?

发表于 2020-12-9 14:02 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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坛子漆黑 发表于 2020-12-9 08:21
单楼上那图来说,我觉得说的没什么问题,反倒时括弧里的颇有你连XX内容都不喜欢你也配玩游戏的感觉 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-9 14:27 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-12-9 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-12-9 14:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
h2oElement 发表于 2020-12-9 13:43
我读到的媒体游玩时间都在40-60小时的范围内,几乎可以肯定没人做了全支线。说到底一天就这么长,有意见 ...


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发表于 2020-12-9 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
shiroamada 发表于 2020-12-9 11:24
仔细想了下,可能她真实代表了一部分人的想法,就是系统复杂,任务多的rpg,确实不再是流行了。大量的拾取 ...

最后一点有问题吧,事实上不是人们现在不喜欢搜刮,是大表哥的搜刮比巫师3的还要差劲,基本上没反馈的,还要按住一个按钮 几秒钟,摸出来2瓶酒 一个麦片,纯粹用来拖游戏时长的东西。正常的loot,比如你玩个魔兽世界摸boss尸体,玩老滚loot龙吼,或者玩个黑魂捡闪光的时候不要太爽

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发表于 2020-12-9 14:56 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-12-9 14:59 | 显示全部楼层
shiroamada 发表于 2020-12-9 14:56
我意思是现在在大表哥里面很多人放弃loot,也就是说loot的乐趣对很多人是可以忽略的 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-9 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
shiroamada 发表于 2020-12-9 14:56
我意思是现在在大表哥里面很多人放弃loot,也就是说loot的乐趣对很多人是可以忽略的 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-9 16:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Amelia_1812 于 2020-12-9 03:16 编辑


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发表于 2020-12-9 16:02 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:20 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:32 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2020-12-9 16:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-12-9 16:36 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2020-12-9 16:39 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:51 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 16:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:01 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2020-12-9 17:03 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:08 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:27 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Luminous脑壳痛 发表于 2020-12-9 16:32

能被这种图带着走 ...

写出too much water的评测估计也好不到哪儿去吧?hjhh

使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-9 17:30 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 17:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-12-9 17:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-12-9 18:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
mintslime 发表于 2020-12-9 17:57
看了一下她的评价,我觉得其实写的还行,你看完了能够明白游戏的缺点在哪里,也能明白她为什么最后会给出7 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-9 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
chillstar 发表于 2020-12-9 17:30
有这位女编辑的完整评测吗,我觉得她说的这些话其实套用在大多数的开放世界游戏都成立,但有没有专 ...

Cyberpunk 2077 has standout side quests and strong main characters, though its buggy, superficial world and lack of purpose bring it down.
Early on in Cyberpunk 2077, there's a series of side quests that has you tracking down rogue taxis run by faulty AI. You have to talk one of the taxis down from ** as it contemplates driving off a bridge, while another needs to be brute-forced into behaving, and a third is an obvious reference to a famous video game AI that manipulates you as you chase it down. It's one of the best minor questlines in the game, an intriguing and surprisingly human substory that rewards you with lots of much-needed cash. It's also an excuse to send you to every corner of Night City, a clever introduction to all the areas you haven't yet been.
I spent a lot of my playtime following side-quest threads like this one, excited about the premise and hoping to find something as interesting or fun or rewarding at the end and, in many cases, I did. But now, after finishing the main story, I can't see how most of those activities fit into the overall narrative or the character I was playing. The main story doesn't even gel with itself.
Cyberpunk 2077 draws heavily from its source material, with everything from the world itself to the life and death of Johnny Silverhand coming from its pen-and-paper inspiration. But unlike in a tabletop RPG, you aren't playing a role of your own creation in Cyberpunk 2077; you're playing V, and this is V's story, not yours. I often felt like I was role-playing two different characters: one V for the side quests and one more limited V for the main story.
That's mostly because the main story puts you on a clock. It's not literally on a timer, but it is very urgent in the way that RPG stories often are, and it has the same pitfalls as a result. It feels weird to do throwaway fun stuff when you have a serious, ever-present threat to attend to, and in V's case, it just doesn't make sense to dally.
You have more freedom to play the character you really want to during side activities, but main-story V has clearly defined priorities. I often couldn't find the character I'd been developing via side quests when I returned to the main plot--not in how I'd been shaping her personality as she reacted to events, nor in the hacker I built as she was forced into more traditional boss fights.

Welcome To The Machine
I knew from the outset that I wanted to play as a hacker, so I sped through the character creator, gave my V points in intellect and cool for hacking and stealth, respectively, and started the game. I had picked the Nomad lifepath out of the three total options because it was the only one that positioned V as an outsider to Night City; I figured that I didn't know Night City yet as a newcomer to the game, so why should V?
From what I can tell, that lifepath choice didn't affect more than the way the game starts and some dialogue options throughout (and possibly some minor side quests). Now that I've finished the story, I'm much more curious about the Corpo lifepath, in which V used to work at antagonist corporation Arasaka, and how that fits into what I played, but it doesn't feel like a majorly important decision in my experience.
The real RPG core is in your five main stats, which are further split into two or three different skill trees, each providing various benefits to combat, stealth, hacking, and so on. Using these subskills will passively level them up and give you additional benefits, ensuring you grow according to how you play in addition to how you actively invest points as you level up.

Looking the part (captured on PC by GameSpot producer Jake Dekker)

The parent skills mainly govern what dialogue options you can use and what kinds of doors you're able to open, at least in the moment-to-moment (they otherwise provide minor stat boosts). Because of this, I tended to invest skills based on my curiosity in conversations or to access areas I wanted to explore. For example, I'd bank points until I found myself in front of a door that required X points in body to force open, and then I'd level up right there and then so I could see what was behind the door. Because the subskills have their own leveling and points system, I found I could freely invest overall skill points without sacrificing my hacking goals--at least when it came to the traditional RPG progression.
Hacking into computers and transferring money to your account is one thing; it only requires enough points in the intellect parent skill, just like how body allows you to open certain doors. On the other hand, quickhacking, which allows you to manipulate cameras, turrets, enemies, and more in hostile scenarios, requires a lot of cyberware investment. Specifically, you need a good cyberdeck--which determines how many different quickhacks you can equip--that has enough RAM so you can use ones that demand more memory.
Cyberware in general is not cheap. On top of that, an early story mission is gated by a significant sum of money, so I had to do a lot of grinding before I could afford a proper cyberdeck that made my quickhacks truly effective. Until then, I felt like I had to use guns a lot more than I wanted to, which didn't fit with how I initially built my character. I didn't mind the guns overall, though; while it's not on par with dedicated first-person shooters, the gunplay is decent. It's a little clunky, even after tweaking my sensitivity settings, but the aim assist does the heavy lifting.
Once I got a good cyberdeck and equipped better quickhacks, combat really picked up for me. I had a quickhack that reset an enemy's optics--pretty much everyone in Night City has cyberware in place of organic eyes--and temporarily blinded them, which allowed me to sneak past. I was able to shut off entire camera systems easily and set turrets to "friendly mode" so they wouldn't shoot me on sight. I approached most encounters like a puzzle: I'd hack into the camera systems to see how many enemies I was dealing with, then figure out who to distract and in which direction so I could move from room to room undetected. If that didn't work, I at least knew I could jam their weapons or shock their systems from afar.
When I found my rhythm and found the cash, I really enjoyed quickhacking as an alternative approach to combat, and it was always satisfying to get in, steal a bunch of money off some computers, and get out without being spotted.

You can buy much nicer cars in Cyberpunk 2077, but all of them get you where you're goin'.

Because I was so focused on this aspect of my character (and saving money to invest in it), I didn't end up spending much time on other approaches; I got the mantis blades, which are cyberware swords that spring out of your arms, so late in the game that I barely used them. Other cyberware upgrades, like a leg modification that gives you a double-jump, were so expensive that I'd have to opt to take on side jobs just to afford them, though this becomes easier later in the game when those gigs have bigger payouts.
In fact, most nice things in Night City are prohibitively expensive, and I found that money was often the only obstacle when it came to progression. Granted, I was playing Cyberpunk on a tight deadline, so I couldn't spend much time doing odd jobs. But there is a ridiculous amount of stuff to buy and seemingly endless moneymaking jobs to take on. There's even a whole section in your quest journal dedicated to all the cars people have offered to sell you--though you start the game with a car, and I got multiple free vehicles for completing side quests, so I never bought a car and couldn't find a real reason to.

Mad City
That's emblematic of the world of Cyberpunk 2077. It is so full of things to buy, to do, to see, and yet so much of it doesn't feel essential. Night City is massive, and while you can fast travel from specific points, you'll often need to walk or drive a bit to your destination. I started to compare prices from one ripperdoc to the next--they're how you upgrade your oh-so expensive cyberware--but stopped after the third because I didn't want to drag myself across the city all day. I went clothing shopping only once for the same reason, and I'd managed to loot more than one cute outfit off of corpses anyway. There's even an entire crafting and item upgrade menu that I never actually needed to use, given that I was regularly looting better gear and items off my numerous enemies; at least in my playthrough, I had no reason to engage with these systems at all.
Night City is beautiful and vile. The architecture is often stunning, and some of my favorite sections of the game were when I drove from one district to the next, radio turned up, taking in all the neon lights and monolithic megabuildings piercing the sky. Then I'd get out of the car and hear one of the oft-repeated advertisements blaring out onto the street and quickly snap out of the reverie of driving. There's one ad that's just a man making a long, exaggerated orgasm sound that tended to pierce through any conversation I was having.
「It's a tough world and a hard one to exist in, by design; with no apparent purpose and context to that experience, all you're left with is the unpleasantness.」
The ads are one of many, many aesthetic choices in Cyberpunk 2077 that are grating with no real point. There's one ad in particular that was the topic of much discussion pre-release; it features a feminine person with a giant, exaggerated, veiny erection in their leotard and advertises a drink called Chromanticore with the tagline "mix it up." It is everywhere. And while the "purpose" of it may be to show what a sex-obsessed, superficial, exploitative place Night City is, there's nothing in the main story or any of the side quests I did that gives it even that much context--I found just one message on one of the many computers I logged into that commented on how low-brow Night City culture is. The result is that there's a fetishization of trans people at every turn, in a game with only one very minor trans character (that I found, at least) and no way to play as an authentically trans character yourself.
I found and read tons of text logs, scoured people's private messages, listened to radio and TV programs and random NPC conversations, and I struggled to find justifications for many of Cyberpunk's more questionable and superficial worldbuilding choices. It's a world where megacorporations rule people's lives, where inequality runs rampant, and where violence is a fact of life, but I found very little in the main story, side quests, or environment that explores any of these topics. It's a tough world and a hard one to exist in, by design; with no apparent purpose and context to that experience, all you're left with is the unpleasantness.

Scenes from Night City.

There are instances where the game does start to do more with an initially superficial choice, but these threads are often dropped quickly. For example, in the pen-and-paper game, the Voodoo Boys were a group of mostly white men who used "voodoo" stereotypes to scare people. In 2077, they are a group of Haitian people displaced by natural disaster (by my interpretation, one caused by climate change). At one point in the main story, you can ask a Voodoo Boys member what the name is about, given they don't actually do anything associated with "voodoo"; he tells you to ask the people that call them that and refuses to tell you what they call themselves. There's a seed of an interesting idea here--the labels given to the "other," diaspora, the trauma of losing your home--but none of this is ever explored again in the main story as I played it, nor in any of the many side quests I played, either. I didn't find another opportunity to interact with the Voodoo Boys at all.
There's so much to cover that I can't possibly touch on everything, but my experience is that there are aspects of the game that feel lost in translation, invoking cultures that aren't adequately explored or contextualized. Characters in one side quest use the word "ofrenda" as if it means "funeral" when it's actually a particular kind of altar primarily for Day of the Dead--it's unclear to me if this is a translation issue or an overall misunderstanding of Mexican customs, since you do put together an altar during the event that's being called "the ofrenda." As another example, you can go to a clothing store in Japantown and buy "yukata" that are just wrap shirts bearing only the slightest resemblance to real yukata. It's not that Cyberpunk always gets everything wrong in its incorporation of a variety of cultures and backgrounds but that the world is so big and unruly that I never knew what I would find around any corner or if I'd understand what the intent behind it was--I just grew to accept that whatever I did find, at least in terms of setting and worldbuilding, would likely be superficial.

With A Little Help From My Friends
That's the case for the world overall and its background characters, anyway. You meet a lot of people in Night City, many of whom die in your wake like you're some sort of curse, while others just call from time to time with a job for you to do. The few that don't die and have proper arcs make up V's friends and love interests, and these are the characters that rightfully stand out.
The first is Panam Palmer, who wins the award for the best name in the game. She's a rough-around-the-edges type of girl trying to make her own way in Night City and leaving her Nomad family behind in the process. This was the one instance where I felt my Nomad lifepath actually enhanced the experience--by choosing the Nomad-related responses, I actually felt like I was bonding with Panam over our similar backgrounds. Her quests are often fun, poorly thought-out heists, and by the end, I really did feel like I'd made V a lifelong friend who would drop everything to help her out.

V with Panam Palmer, who is best described as a wonderful disaster.

My favorite character, though, is Judy Alvarez, an earnest, hot-tempered, beautifully human character with the best arc in the game. She edits braindances, which are kind of like VR movies where you can acutely feel the recorder's emotions (and they're often used for **). Judy is an incredibly gifted BD editor, and she's also a member of the Moxes, a gang of sex workers that look out for one another. Judy's story unfolds thanks to her fierce and endless desire to fight for her friends, which leads to some of the most interesting quests in the game--and some of the only ones that give you the ability to properly fight back against such a bleak, exploitative world. The final section of Judy's arc was my favorite in the entire game. It's a quiet respite from the lights and sounds of the city, an intimate look into the soul of her character, and provided you meet the requirements, contains the only sex scene I saw that didn't make me want to die on the spot.
Romance doesn't play a major role in Cyberpunk, at least in what I saw and played, but you can sleep with sex workers and the occasional random NPC--although I wouldn't recommend it. The sex scenes are all POV-style to fit with the game's first-person perspective, and they are awkward. One was so awful that I actually rolled back my save and told the guy I'd rather be friends instead. He took it like a champ.

Keanu Reeves: The Man, The Legend
Legendary rockerboy Johnny Silverhand is with you for the vast majority of the game, showing up in pretty much every mission to try to influence your decisions, make snide remarks, or just kick back on a bed in the background while you talk to someone. His relationship with V is often antagonistic, sometimes playfully so, and other times outright hostile.
Johnny is, simply put, an asshole. It's a testament to Keanu Reeves' performance that I actually liked him. He treated his friends badly and women worse. As dialogue options routinely point out, he may or may not qualify as a terrorist; before he died in 2023, he planted a nuke inside Arasaka Tower, an attack against corporate imperialism that ended up killing a lot of people and an important event in the original tabletop game. He's the kind of guy who gets away with far too much, and based on what I learned about him throughout the game, I'm surprised he died at the hands of Adam Smasher rather than by choking on his own vomit after a bender.
「Johnny is, simply put, an asshole. It's a testament to Keanu Reeves' performance that I actually liked him.」
Reeves is somehow able to make all of this interesting and kind of charming rather than extremely off-putting. For the most part, Johnny is a well-written character in that I was always curious to hear what he had to say and how he interpreted the situations we were in--I was never quite sure if his advice was any good or if his opinions had any merit, but I wanted to hear him out every time. It's Reeves' delivery of these lines, which often involve Johnny chastising you for something or other, that really sells the "lovable jerk" vibe that I would normally find overplayed.
The push-and-pull of Johnny's opinions and your own adds a lot of color to even run-of-the-mill missions. At one point I didn't heed Johnny's condescending warnings and accepted a deal from a character who ended up tricking me, which also resulted in a lot of people dying (oops); another time, I pursued a side quest only because he practically begged me to do it, saying it was the most interesting thing we'd stumbled upon in a long time (and it did end up being unlike anything else in the game). The dynamic is compelling and left me on my toes, always wondering if I should listen to Johnny or follow my initial instincts.

Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077.

I'm not sure if there were necessarily any completely right or wrong choices in a lot of those missions, but Johnny's presence, and the ambiguity it brings, is supposed to have an effect on V's psyche, for better or for worse--it's a factor of the circumstances that put him in V's head in the first place. That Johnny could affect my decision-making, as well as how I interpreted each interaction, is a clever way to convey that.

Bullet In The Head
Aside from character highlights, side quests are far and away the best part of the game. Like the rogue taxi one I mentioned at the beginning of this review, there are quite a few clever, interesting, goofy, and sad side quests that I really enjoyed. On a gameplay level, they often provide a nice change of pace from the more combat-focused main story; sometimes you just talk to people, while a more involved one has you doing favors for Johnny since he's, you know, technically dead.
One especially intriguing side quest had me playing detective, investigating a mysterious break-in at the apartment of a Night City mayoral candidate. Mechanically, it's a simple open-world "use your ability to highlight clues" gimmick, but what follows is a fascinating and kind of creepy look at Night City corruption, gaslighting, and whether it's better to tell someone the truth if it means it could get them killed. Conversely, I also did a really silly quest that involved a clown man with a grenade for a nose that had no point but was delightful in a weird way.

He's literally just a clown, but I kind of love him?

Side quests amounted to around 35 hours of my total playtime, and they were what propelled me through. While not every one lands, there are some that feel essential in a way that very little else in the game does. These include Judy's story arc and the taxi excursion as well as a much shorter story about a depressed man who lives in V's apartment building. Even on the tight review deadline, I kept finding myself seeking out just one more side quest before bed just because I was eager to see what I would find.
All that said, when I finished the game, I felt empty. All the friends I had made, what I learned about Johnny, the way I developed my V as a character--much of it didn't seem to matter. Making friends in a lonely, sad city doesn't affect the urgency of V's main quest, and it doesn't seem to affect her priorities related to it. Discovering a police-sponsored murder coverup or the depths of corporate control of Night City life doesn't seem to change V's ambitions to be remembered as a legendary Night City merc. Falling in love didn't even give my V what she wanted.
「I got a lot out of the side quests and some of the characters, but I got very little out of the overall story.」
I don't quite understand the ending I got, but it made me sad. It didn't reflect the V I felt I'd developed, one who helped her friends and followed her curiosity. Worst of all, I have no idea what Cyberpunk 2077 is even trying to say. There's an overall theme of identity that is dashed by the dissonance between the V you actually play and the V you get in the end; otherwise, I couldn't tell you what Cyberpunk is trying to do with its beautifully grotesque world. I got a lot out of the side quests and some of the characters, but I got very little out of the overall story.

It also bears a mention: Cyberpunk 2077 is phenomenally buggy. I played a pre-release build that was updated during the review period, and there's a day-one patch planned as well, but the scale of technical issues is too large to reasonably expect immediate fixes. I encountered some kind of bug on every mission I went on, from more common, funnier ones like characters randomly T-posing to several complete crashes. I didn't notice much of an improvement after the update, either. In a very late-game, very important fight, the game froze on me--twice. I ended up taking a break out of frustration before attempting, and finally succeeding, the third time.
These bugs, more than any game I've played in years, took me out of the experience often. Non-interactable items like cardboard boxes will explode when you interact with something next to them; UI elements will stay on-screen long after they're meant to, which is only solved by reloading a save; characters will interrupt themselves during proper dialogue sequences by repeating a throwaway line they'd say in the overworld, seriously disrupting key moments; I died once and, upon reloading my last save, found my hacking ability no longer worked, forcing me to roll back to an autosave 10 minutes prior. The list is extensive.

This was the only bug I actually took a screenshot of.

The technical problems not only took me out of the game literally but also led me to question whether certain things throughout the game were intentional. It often took me a moment or two to determine whether a visual glitch was supposed to be happening due to V's cyberware, which is a major part of the story, or if I needed to reload the game. There were a few instances where I couldn't tell if dialogue or an event had been skipped due to a bug or by design, since there are times where the game will skip you ahead in time as part of a scene. I also found some exploration sequences frustrating because it was incredibly hard to tell if I was just missing the clue I was supposed to find or if it hadn't popped up at all, and I ended up leaving areas and coming back later on multiple occasions out of confusion and frustration. At least once, I didn't get a dialogue hint indicating what to do until I left the area and came back.
I was playing on a gaming laptop well above the minimum specs announced for Cyberpunk 2077, while another GameSpot player experienced the same severity and frequency of bugs (though no hard crashes) on an even higher-end desktop PC. Your mileage may vary, but in our experience, the bugs are obtrusive and substantial across the board, often forcing us to reload saves or exit the game entirely. It's hard to get really into a world you constantly have to leave.
But then it's hard to get into Cyberpunk 2077's world in general. So much of it is superficial set dressing, and there's so much happening all around you--ads going off at all times, gunfights breaking out in the streets, texts coming in about cars you'll never buy--that a lot of the game feels superfluous. The side quests and the characters they showcase are the shining beacon through the neon-soaked bleakness of Night City, and they give you room to explore the best the core RPG mechanics have to offer. These are what carried me through an otherwise disappointing experience.



看起来很像 (captured on PC by GameSpot producer Jake Dekker)

一旦我有了一个好的赛博格,并装备了更好的快攻,战斗对我来说真的有了起色。我有一个快速攻击,可以重置敌人的光学系统--在夜城中几乎每个人都用电子软件代替了有机眼睛--并暂时使他们失明,这让我得以潜行过去。我能够轻易地关闭整个摄像系统,并将炮塔设置为 "友好模式",这样他们就不会在看到我时向我开枪。我把大部分的遭遇都当作一个谜题:我会黑进摄影系统,看看有多少敌人要对付我,然后想出要引开谁的注意力,往哪个方向走,这样我就可以在房间之间移动而不被发现。如果这样不行,我至少知道我可以从远处干扰他们的武器或冲击他们的系统。



Mad City
广告是《赛博朋克2077》中很多很多美学选择中的一个,它们没有真正的意义,令人讨厌。有一则广告在发售前就引起了广泛的讨论,它的主角是一个穿着紧身衣的女性,有着巨大的、夸张的、脉络状的勃起,并为一款名为Chromanticore的饮料做广告,广告语是 "混搭"。它是无处不在。虽然它的 "目的 "可能是为了展示夜城是一个多么沉迷于性、肤浅、剥削的地方,但在主线故事或我做的任何一个支线任务中,都没有给它提供哪怕是那么多的背景--我只在我登录的众多电脑中的一台电脑上发现了一条评论夜城文化多么低级的信息。结果就是,在一个只有一个很次要的跨性别角色(至少我发现是这样)的游戏里,处处都有对跨性别者的迷信,而且自己也没有办法扮演一个真实的跨性别角色。


有的情况下,游戏确实会在最初的肤浅选择下开始做更多的事情,但这些线索往往很快就会被放弃。例如,在纸笔游戏中,巫毒男孩是一群主要由白人组成的团体,他们用 "巫毒 "的刻板印象来吓唬人。在2077年,他们是一群因自然灾害(根据我的解释,是气候变化造成的)而流离失所的海地人。在主线故事的某一点上,你可以问一个 "巫毒男孩 "的成员,这个名字是怎么回事,因为他们实际上并没有做任何与 "巫毒 "相关的事情;他让你去问那些这样称呼他们的人,而拒绝告诉你他们自己叫什么。这里有一个有趣的想法的种子--给 "他人 "的标签,散居者,失去家园的创伤--但这些都没有在我玩的主线故事中再次探讨,也没有在我玩的许多支线任务中探讨。我根本没有找到另一个与巫毒男孩互动的机会。
有这么多的内容,我不可能触及到所有的东西,但我的经验是,游戏的某些方面感觉在翻译中丢失了,调用的文化没有得到充分的探索或背景化。在一个侧面任务中的角色使用 "ofrenda "这个词,好像它的意思是 "葬礼",但它实际上是一种特殊的祭坛,主要是为亡灵节准备的--我不清楚这是翻译问题还是对墨西哥习俗的整体误解,因为你确实在活动期间把一个被称为 "ofrenda "的祭坛放在一起。再举个例子,你可以去Japantown的服装店买 "浴衣",那只是与真正的浴衣只有一点相似之处的裹身衫。这并不是说赛博朋克在融入各种文化和背景时总是出错,而是说这个世界如此之大,如此之不羁,以至于我永远不知道在任何一个角落都会发现什么,也不知道自己是否能理解它背后的意图--我只是逐渐接受,无论我发现什么,至少在设定和世界构建方面,都很可能是肤浅的。



不过我最喜欢的角色是Judy Alvarez,一个认真、脾气火爆、人性美好的角色,是游戏中弧度最好的角色。她编辑braindances,这有点像VR电影,你可以敏锐地感受到记录者的情绪(而且它们经常被用于色情)。朱迪是一位天赋异禀的BD编辑,她也是Moxes的成员,这是一个互相照顾的性工作者团伙。朱迪的故事展开得益于她为朋友而战的激烈和无尽的欲望,这导致了游戏中一些最有趣的任务--------也是唯一能让你有能力对这样一个阴暗、剥削的世界进行适当反击的一些任务。朱迪的最后一段弧线是我在整个游戏中最喜欢的。这是一个从城市的灯光和声音中安静地喘息的地方,是对她的角色灵魂的亲密观察,而且只要你满足要求,包含了我看到的唯一一个没有让我想当场死亡的**场景。

Keanu Reeves: The Man, The Legend
传说中的摇滚小子Johnny Silverhand在游戏的绝大部分时间里都和你在一起,几乎在每一个任务中都会出现,试图影响你的决定,发表冷嘲热讽的言论,或者只是在你和别人说话的时候在后台的床上踢一脚。他和V的关系经常是对立的,有时是嬉皮笑脸,有时则是彻底的敌对。
里夫斯在某种程度上能够让这一切变得有趣和有点迷人,而不是非常令人厌恶。在大多数情况下,Johnny是一个写得很好的角色,我总是很想听听他有什么话要说,他是如何解释我们所处的情况的--我从来没有完全确定他的建议是否是好的,或者他的意见是否有道理,但我每次都想听听他的意见。里夫斯对这些台词的表达,经常涉及到约翰尼责备你的某件事情或其他事情,这才是真正卖力的 "可爱的混蛋 "的氛围,而我通常会发现这一点被过度渲染了。



一个特别有趣的侧面任务让我扮演侦探,调查一个夜城市长候选人公寓的神秘闯入事件。从机制上来说,这是一个简单的开放世界 "使用你的能力来突出线索 "的噱头,但接下来是一个迷人的和有点令人毛骨悚然的观察,在夜城的腐败,煤气灯,以及是否更好地告诉别人真相,如果它意味着它可能会让他们被杀死。相反,我还做了一个非常愚蠢的任务,涉及到一个小丑人,用手榴弹做鼻子,它有没有意义,但以一种奇怪的方式令人愉快。


说了这么多,当我完成游戏时,我觉得空空如也。 在一个孤独、悲伤的城市里交朋友并不影响V的主要任务的紧迫性,似乎也不影响她与之相关的优先级。发现警察赞助的谋杀掩盖,或者公司控制夜城生活的深度,似乎都没有改变V的野心,她想成为一个传奇的夜城水手,被人记住。恋爱甚至没有给我的V带来她想要的东西。




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