本帖最后由 火柴的火花 于 2020-9-18 21:09 编辑
专楼保留最新3期的Gigguk的视频链接 ———————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Gigguk,本名Garnt Maneetapho,1990年5月31日出生(现年29岁),现居英国(现已搬家日本)
现在,他间隔一周或者两周更新一次,截至目前,有着200万的订阅和1.7亿的点击量,是最大的漫评YouTubers之一 Hi I'm Gigguk and I quit my job to make dank anime videos.
I'm an idiot.
Yes I'm just a dumb guy who loves making videos about anime, so much so I'm attempting to make this my full time job because I really love doing this. If I can raise around $2500/month I can make this a reality, if not then I'll have to return to my old career path after around 6 -12 months when my savings for this little venture runs out. I'm just a guy shooting for my dreams and could use a little help to get there.
————17 Jun 2016 Hi,我是Gigguk,我刚刚辞去了自己工作为了去做漫评视频
————17 Jun 2016
Patreon: http://www.Patreon.com/Gigguk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GiggukAZ
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GiggukAZ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/giggukaz/