战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2002-2-11
本帖最后由 ravage 于 2015-4-7 13:32 编辑
悍马阿帕奇大战罗马军团!!各位应该会一下子联想到战国自卫队/奇幻自卫队,不过这本漫画是2008年的作品,名字是Pax Romana
In 2045, as Islam has overrun Europe and the West openly shuns monotheism, the Vatican funded, CERN Laboratories 'discover' that time travel is possible. The Pope orders the creation of a private army, and led by a few handpicked Cardinals and the finest graduates of selected war colleges, they travel back in time to 312AD - the reign of the first Christian Emperor, Constantine. Upon arrival, conflicting agendas, ideological differences, and personal greed see grand **s unravel.
2045年绿教席卷欧洲,于是教皇派遣米军返回过去~好吧发这帖也是求资源,网上好不容易找到的BT没有种子= =