战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-8-2
When asked about the worsening work life balance at the company, Andrew Bozworth said:
If you played at highest level of professional sports like NBA, NFL, would you say:"eh, I will only play 50 games this season instead of 80, i am just gonna take it easy." No, that would not be acceptable. Guess what, you are working at the one of the highest, most competitive levels technology innovation today. This is a gift, you will not find this gift anywhere else, cherish it.
如果你参加过 NBA、NFL 等最高水平的职业运动,你会说:“呃,我这个赛季只会打 50 场比赛,而不是 80 场,我只是要放松一下。”不,这是不可接受的。你猜怎么着,您正在当今最高、最具竞争力的技术创新水平之一工作。这是一份礼物,你在其他地方找不到这份礼物,珍惜它
怎么感觉似曾相识呢? |