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[新闻] 2024年GDC/IGF(独立游戏节)奖项提名名单出炉,小丑牌/动物井无缘年度最佳游戏

发表于 2025-1-22 15:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来源:https://gdconf.com/news/consume- ... ons-2025-igf-awards

省流:Consume Me(暂未发售) 5提领跑;Caves of Qud,INDIKA和Thank Goodness You're Here!均为3提位居次席

年度游戏方面,大家都耳熟能详的提名时Caves of Qud和UFO 50

Balatro和Animal Well成为最大输家,Balatro只提名了年度最佳设计,而Animal Well更是悲惨挂零。不过从另一个角度来看,Animal Well入选了3个安慰奖,而Balatro只入选了一个安慰奖(笑)。

Seumas McNally Grand Prize(年度最佳游戏)
Caves of Qud (Freehold Games / Kitfox Games)
Consume Me (Jenny Jiao Hsia, AP Thomson, Jie En Lee, Violet W-P, Ken "coda" Snyder)
Despelote (Julián Cordero, Sebastian Valbuena / Panic)
INDIKA (Odd Meter / 11 bit studios)
Thank Goodness You're Here! (Coal Supper / Panic)
UFO 50 (Mossmouth)

Honorable Mentions: Animal Well (Billy Basso / Bigmode), Balatro (LocalThunk / Playstack), Blue Prince (Dogubomb / Raw Fury), Mouthwashing (Wrong Organ / CRITICAL REFLEX), Nine Sols (RedCandleGames) , Tactical Breach Wizards (Suspicious Developments)

年度创新奖(Nuovo Award):

Consume Me (Jenny Jiao Hsia, AP Thomson, Jie En Lee, Violet W-P, Ken "coda" Snyder)
Despelote (Julián Cordero, Sebastian Valbuena / Panic)
Extreme Evolution: Drive to Divinity (Sam Atlas)
Ginger (Kevin Du / lizu ktap)
individualism in the dead-internet age: an anti-big tech asset flip shovelware rant manifesto (alienmelon)
Starship Home (Creature)
tapeçaria (tapestry) (mut/moochi (with help from plunderludics working group))
The Exit 8 (KOTAKE CREATE / Active Gaming Media Inc)

Honorable Mentions: Arctic Eggs (The Water Museum, cockydoody, abmarnie, Cameron Ginex / CRITICAL REFLEX) , Judero (Talha and Jack Co, J. King-Spooner, Talha Kaya), Onto Maizilind Unto Infinity (Kas Ghobadi, Julián Palacios Gechtman / Kasrah Ghobadi), Price of Flight (WATERBOX), Project Y (Project_Y Production Committee), Refind Self: The Personality TestGame (Lizardry / PLAYISM)

Keynote:我对这个奖项翻译不一定准确,因为根据提供的标准这个奖项只针对“小型游戏”,因此放上评奖标准叙述:The award is given to honor"abstract, shortform, and unconventional game development which advancesthe medium and the way we think about games".

年度杰出设计(Excellence in Design):

Balatro (LocalThunk / Playstack)
Blue Prince (Dogubomb / Raw Fury)
Caves of Qud (Freehold Games / KitfoxGames)
Consume Me (Jenny Jiao Hsia, AP Thomson,Jie En Lee, Violet W-P, Ken "coda" Snyder)
Pacific Drive (Ironwood Studios / KeplerInteractive)
Tactical Breach Wizards (SuspiciousDevelopments)

Honorable Mentions: Animal Well (BillyBasso / Bigmode), No Case Should Remain Unsolved (Somi), UFO 50 (Mossmouth),LOK Digital (Letibus Design, Icedrop Games / Draknek and Friends), Eigengrau(Martin Mauersics), The Rise of the Golden Idol (Color Gray Games / Playstack)

年度杰出音效(Excellence in Audio):

Anger Foot (Free Lives / Devolver Digital)
Despelote (Julián Cordero, SebastianValbuena / Panic)
INDIKA (Odd Meter / 11 bit studios)
OD** (Sven Ahlgrimm, Mathilde Hoffmann,Bastian Clausdorff)
Thank Goodness You're Here! (Coal Supper /Panic)
Utopia Must Fall (Pixeljam)

Honorable Mentions: Animal Well (BillyBasso / Bigmode), Mouthwashing (Wrong Organ / CRITICAL REFLEX),  Pacific Drive (Ironwood Studios / KeplerInteractive),  Rise of the Golden Idol(Color Gray Games / Playstack), UFO 50 (Mossmouth)

年度杰出视觉艺术(Excellence in Visual Arts):

Children of the Sun (René Rother / DevolverDigital)
Consume Me (Jenny Jiao Hsia, AP Thomson,Jie En Lee, Violet W-P, Ken "coda" Snyder)
Hauntii (Moonloop Games / Firestoke)
Judero (Talha and Jack Co, J. King-Spooner,Talha Kaya)
Nine Sols (RedCandleGames)
Thank Goodness You're Here! (Coal Supper /Panic)

Honorable Mentions: Crow Country (SFBGames), Death of the Reprobate (Joe Richardson), Miniatures (Other TalesInteractive), Tiny Glade (Pounce Light), Ultros (Hadoque / KeplerInteractive)  

年度杰出叙事(Excellence in Narrative):

Caves of Qud (Freehold Games / KitfoxGames)
Closer the Distance (Osmotic Studios /Skybound Games)  
Consume Me (Jenny Jiao Hsia, AP Thomson,Jie En Lee, Violet W-P, Ken "coda" Snyder)
Despelote (Julián Cordero, SebastianValbuena / Panic)
INDIKA (Odd Meter / 11 bit studios)
No Case Should Remain Unsolved (Somi)

Honorable Mentions: Blue Prince (Dogubomb /Raw Fury), Miniatures (Other Tales Interactive), Mouthwashing (Wrong Organ /CRITICAL REFLEX), Tactical Breach Wizards (Suspicious Developments), ThankGoodness You're Here! (Coal Supper / Panic), The Thaumaturge (Fool's Theory /11 bit studios)

年度学生游戏(Best Student Game):

A Dual Ascent (Mountain Toad Entertainment/  Rubika Supinfogame)
DisplaceMen (Eversea Club / leafaleaves)
Growth Spurt: A Meandering Intermissioninto the Afterhours of a Miscalculation (Games for my Computer)
Slot Waste (Vinny Roca / pickpanpuckproductions)
The WereCleaner (Howlin' Hugs / USC Games)
Year Unknown (Julian Heuser)

Honorable Mentions: Cards of Heart(GoodMind Games), Duck Paradox (Magic Games / Midwest Games), Lost Garden (​​Ori Shany, Yoni Pushett, Ramon Zerem), Perfect World (MichaelOverton Brown), Timeworks (Starworks Studios)


使用道具 举报

发表于 2025-1-22 15:26 | 显示全部楼层
Thank Goodness You're Here!去年真的口碑太好了,虽然没玩(

使用道具 举报

发表于 2025-1-22 15:47 | 显示全部楼层


—— 来自 S1Fun

使用道具 举报

发表于 2025-1-22 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
Caves of Qud让人没话说,但印蒂卡能超过动物井让人想不明白,解谜和关卡都要相对逊色,叙事上的领先能有这么大提升吗,还是说人文表达占比更高呢。

使用道具 举报

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