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注册时间 2003-6-6
本帖最后由 zmw_831110 于 2020-10-19 16:29 编辑
比如27GL850的nano ips fast mode 在144Hz刷新率下的各个主要灰阶变化所需时间
We therefore stuck with the 'Fast' setting and tested that across the range of refresh rates. At all refresh rates the average response time was basically the same at 4.9 - 5.0ms G2G. We will test a wider range of transitions in the next section to get a more accurate final figure. The only difference in performance came with the levels of overshoot. At 144Hz there was none recorded at all, but this increased slightly as the refresh rate lowered. At 100Hz it was pretty slight, and not really noticeable in practice at all. At 60Hz it was a little higher but still pretty hard to spot in real life to be honest. There were some very slight pale halos behind moving objects but they were not overly distracting and hard to pick out. The good news is that the response times were very fast across all measured transitions, and for all refresh rates here. They were fast enough also to keep up with the frame rate demands, even at the maximum 144Hz refresh rate which was good news.
此文,在Balance响应模式里提及过1/144,6.94msAs the refresh rate increased, the overdrive impulse seems to be turned down slightly, resulting in slightly slower response times - but the removal of any slight overshoot at least. At 100Hz we measured 9.6ms G2G average which was still on the whole fast enough to keep up with the frame rate here. At 144Hz the response times dropped slightly again, now measured at 10.2ms and not really being fast enough in many cases to keep up with the high 144Hz frame rate where <6.94ms response times are needed. This resulted in a little added blurring on moving images, although to be fair it was not too bad in visual tests.
虽然我没用过这款,只用过acer的那款XV272U P,即使开启加速模式,看弹幕横向飘逸,还是能发现和nano ips的明显差异.
两者有那么大体验的差别,应该就是nano ips恰巧站上了所有情况,响应时间均小于1/144S这个槛,而K7B,并不够,所导致的.