中国新年logo也是要素拉满,蛇缠着咬了一口的苹果,真不怕得罪自家老保么…… 怕什么,看看被天火烧的洛杉矶,美国人真的还在乎上帝他老人家么。 它国外应该还是原来的logo吧 本帖最后由 迷路的石头 于 2025-1-28 11:28 编辑
搞错了,编辑编辑 苹果自家老保还不是一边骂一边买 中国人就是那条蛇,这么想老保是不是就好过多了 迷路的石头 发表于 2025-1-28 11:26
—— 来自 S1Fun 设计还挺可爱 不如耐克《过个狠年》玩蛇年牢大梗 你说的是全世界奴性最重拿着枪都不敢打有钱人的那个美国老保吗 有点恶心了,苹果是不知道他那个苹果指的是图灵自杀用的涂满氰化物的毒苹果吗?
—— 来自 鹅球 v3.3.96 枯风瘦雪 发表于 2025-1-28 11:26
—— 来自 S1Fun
那我搞错了 碎花胖次 发表于 2025-1-28 11:24
中国新年logo也是要素拉满,蛇缠着咬了一口的苹果,真不怕得罪自家老保么…… ...
其实圣经故事真没啥人在乎,没听说谁被这个冒犯的。 夏娃在哪 blackll7 发表于 2025-1-28 11:27
—— 来自 鹅球 v3.3.96 ...
事实上苹果公司的这个苹果设计灵感来源是掉牛顿头上的苹果,后来版本变更成咬了一口只是因为上面多了片叶子需要平衡而已。“乔布斯因为崇拜图灵所以设计了这个logo”的说法纯属以讹传讹 幽远ghofar 发表于 2025-1-28 11:31
事实上苹果公司的这个苹果设计灵感来源是掉牛顿头上的苹果,后来版本变更成咬了一口只是因为上面多了片叶 ...
我还以为是圣经的蛇引诱亚当夏娃偷吃苹果,开启了智慧被上帝抛弃的故事 尚不如。
https://p.sda1.dev/21/0e53a81e400ae482c2c599ddcdc03ff8/image.jpg 猪突猛进R 发表于 2025-1-28 11:25
美国福音派的脑子里怕不是雷霆雨露具是君恩,上帝他老人家在考验我们呢 幽远ghofar 发表于 2025-1-28 11:31
事实上苹果公司的这个苹果设计灵感来源是掉牛顿头上的苹果,后来版本变更成咬了一口只是因为上面多了片叶 ...
我听到的说法是,bite咬和byte字节的谐音梗 本帖最后由 password 于 2025-1-28 12:10 编辑
blackll7 发表于 2025-1-28 11:27
—— 来自 鹅球 v3.3.96 ...
https://creativebits.org/intervi ... esigner_apple_logo/
CB: What does the bite in the apple represent? Is it a reference to a computing term byte? Is it a reference to the biblical event when Eve bit into the forbidden fruit? Is the fruit itself referencing the discovery of gravity by Newton when an apple fell on his head while sitting under the tree?
RJ: They are really interesting, but I’m afraid it didn’t have a thing to do with it. From a designer’s point of view and you probably experienced this, one of the big phenomena is having the experience of designing a logo for whatever reasons you design it, and years later you find out supposedly why you did certain things. And, they are all BS. It’s a wonderful urban legend. Somebody starts it and then people go “oh yeah, that must be it”.图灵或者夏娃的说法都是传言,这个采访专门问了苹果最早logo的设计师Rob Janoff
论坛助手,iPhone 为啥会认为美国人会去看圣经? 资本家卖上吊自己的绳子也不是不行。 我问了Janus-Pro-7b
提问:What can you tell me about this picture? What is the meaning of this? (关于这幅画,你能告诉我什么?它有什么含义?)
回答:This image appears to be a stylized representation of an apple with a snake coiled around it. The apple is a well-known symbol, often associated with technology and innovation, particularly due to its connection with Apple Inc., a major technology company. The snake could symbolize various concepts, such as transformation, renewal, or even danger, depending on the context.
The combination of the apple and snake might suggest a theme of change or evolution, where traditional ideas are being transformed or reimagined. It could also be interpreted as a metaphor for the balance between growth and caution in technological advancements.
(这幅图像似乎是一个苹果的造型,苹果周围盘绕着一条蛇。苹果是一个众所周知的符号,通常与技术和创新联系在一起,特别是主流科技公司苹果公司。 蛇可以象征各种概念,如变革、更新,甚至是危险,具体取决于上下文。
苹果和蛇的结合可能暗示着变革或进化的主题,即传统理念正在被转变或重新想象。也可以解释为隐喻技术进步中增长与谨慎之间的平衡。) Alce79 发表于 2025-1-28 11:26