反正都是老中的错! 真搞市场经济又不乐意了
脑残星人太可爱啦 原来帝国的经济被影响了
帝国,我哭死 啊我操老中怎么这么坏 说的没错,我还是买点wonderful开心果支持下加州人民吧
—— 来自 鹅球 v3.3.96 哎我操⏰怎么这么坏
—— 来自 鹅球 v3.3.96 还不买爆让东大破产?越买越赚! 居然敢说帝国经济不好,小心被痔人永唾沫淹死 哈基米应激了 赚得少了等于亏! 这要再割霓虹几刀才能缓过来啊 已下单开心果,证明了这篇文站的正确性。 作者姓艾金森,你和憨豆什么关系
—— 来自 鹅球 v3.3.96 乆乆乆
论坛助手,iPhone 乆
紫薯布丁.exe 若有所思 发表于 2025-1-10 20:56
看了一下文章的内容,大致就是五点:第一,贸易战的开启非常合理;第二,东大成功让西大许多人没有工作岗位 ...
这不就是“老钟恐怖如斯,国会老爷快打钱助我”吗? 明明我国官产学里面很多孝的,多冤啊 我靠,什么叫倒打一耙,什么叫无耻之尤。 西大不高兴,东大也不高兴,赶紧断交完事 哎我艹老中怎么这么坏 标题鉴定为中文翻译的赢学私货
We Are in an Industrial War. China Is Starting to Win.
Jan. 9, 2025
Multiple large stacks of shipping containers of different colors.
By Robert D. Atkinson
Dr. Atkinson is the founder and president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a policy think tank.
Credit goes to Donald Trump for alerting the world to the dangers posed by China, particularly its efforts to overtake the United States as the world’s most advanced economy. But neither his first administration nor President Biden’s has done enough to combat China’s incursions, which have cost America millions of manufacturing jobs and the closure of tens of thousands of factories, according to data compiled by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, the nonpartisan technology policy think tank I lead. That’s because policymakers on both sides of the aisle are only slowly waking up to the reality: We are already in the middle of an industrial war.
Lawmakers need to understand that for China, a desire to make money — the fundamental driver of trade and of capitalism — is secondary. Its primary goal is to damage America’s economy and pave the way for China to become the world’s pre-eminent power. Countries like China are power traders, called such because their policies and programs are designed not only to advance their power but also to degrade their adversaries’, even at a financial cost to their own economies.
China’s rate of progress in production and innovation across a wide range of industries is striking. If our policymakers don’t work fast and smart enough, they will put at risk America’s workers, economy and place in the world.
History has seen other campaigns like this. From the late 1800s to World War II, Germany illustrated how trade could be weaponized into “an instrument of power, of pressure and even of conquest,” wrote the development economist Albert O. Hirschman.
Like China, Germany mostly focused on importing goods needed for its war machine, redirected trade to friendly or subject nations and sought to control oceanic trade routes, all in an effort to limit development of its adversaries. Like China, the German government kept its currency undervalued (making its goods relatively cheaper for consumers in other countries), leveraged the use of tariffs and subsidized its exports to bolster its position in industry goods such as steel, chemicals and machinery.
啊卧槽拆尼斯怎么这么坏 Honnyp 发表于 2025-1-10 22:11
“中国一次又一次地表明,它为了获得影响力不惜赔钱,这样的决定从正常的损益角度来看毫无意义。以LCD和OLE ...
5亿刀补贴就能垄断一个行业,这不是补贴,这是金坷垃 本帖最后由 lin2004 于 2025-1-10 22:49 编辑
收缩压 发表于 2025-1-10 22:29
不是,这玩意经济学原理上非常浅显易懂,产业投资需要成本回收,然后生产工具就变成cash cow了。
只要你够胆把这个回本周期填了一次,这个白皮设计的“中等收入的陷阱”系统立马会崩溃,因为站在同一起跑线上的话,白皮为了给自家p民安抚情绪所以分赃垄断产业所刻意制造的“高汇率”结构立刻会反噬他们自己的竞争力。只要白皮不自己也变成“落入中等收入陷阱”的状态,那他们对应的整个产业竞争力都会因为高汇率全线崩溃。 lin2004 发表于 2025-1-10 22:47
不是,这玩意经济学原理上非常浅显易懂,产业投资需要成本回收,然后生产工具就变成cash cow了。
飞舞白 ...
美国自己提出来并首先运用的。 神金,害我笑了一下 那你为什么不主动把东西卖过来呢,这边是真的想买哦 帝国经济不是好得不得了嘛?
谁破坏的了 白皮猪最TM恶心~~~
……?有没有可能你西大赚钱了别人活都没法活 那就买点加州开心果补偿一下吧 马克思:收徒 收缩压 发表于 2025-1-10 22:29
就看到底是谁先进谁落后,谁没有积蓄谁花钱没效率了 若有所思 发表于 2025-1-10 20:56
看了一下文章的内容,大致就是五点:第一,贸易战的开启非常合理;第二,东大成功让西大许多人没有工作岗位 ...
米匪是真的不把自己经济玩崩不罢休啊 你也可以补贴呗,来搞工业竞赛嘛。看看你花钱效率高,还是东大花钱效率高