最佳单人模组:Portal: revolution for Portal 2
最佳多人模组:Battlefield 1918 for Battlefield 1942
最佳画质更新模组:Need for Speed: Underground 2 Remix for Need for Speed: Underground 2
最佳全面改造模组:True Stalker For S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
最佳持续支持模组:RealRTCW for Return to Castle Wolfenstein
最像DLC模组(最佳新内容模组:Arkona for Gothic II - The Night of the Raven
最佳历史还原性模组:Company of Heroes: IMMERSION 1944 for Company of Heroes
最佳改编模组:Duake for Quake
最佳独特创意模组:C&C Generals Zero Hour: Enhanced for C&C: General Zero Hours
最受期待模组:Shokuho for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Call of Pripyat2. Portal: Revolution for Portal 23. Delta Particles for Half-Life4. SourceWorld for Half-Life 2:Episode Two5. Infinite Finality for Half-Life2: Episode Two6. Doom 3: Phobos for Doom III7. Half Life 2 Alone Mod for Half-Life28. GTA: Stars & Stripes for GrandTheft Auto: San Andreas9. Project Phantom for C&C:Yuri's Revenge10.Star Wars Republic Commando:Remaster for Star Wars: Republic Commando
异常这几年人气都是碾压级的,前年还是大前年来着gamma那波把服务器都搞崩了,结果2024才终于被投到第一 半条命2这个alone mod是啥东西 本帖最后由 有钱多买小人 于 2025-1-4 08:40 编辑
ParadiseMartyr 发表于 2025-1-3 22:27
半条命2这个alone mod是啥东西