顽皮狗新作《Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet》
本帖最后由 Piano-Forest 于 2024-12-13 12:20 编辑Get your first details on our next game Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet along with official art and screenshots: naughtydog.com/blog/intergala…
https://www.naughtydog.com/blog/ ... rophet_announcement
https://p.sda1.dev/20/57b9a8688b80862dda09700e0ccaa1f8/20241213_120520.jpg 那pv真的看的我一头雾水,直到文字出现 80s!
—— 来自 S1Fun 这么大一坨 那pv真的看的我一头雾水,直到文字出现 观感完全不行,土味十足,播片质感也差,就这主角比巫师4可政治正确太多了,播片也完全拉不起情绪。 今天论坛卡爆了 一看渲染质感就知道是顽皮狗,这个IP其实之前注册被爆出来过,但当时以为是SSM的新IP
之前有播客爆料说游戏设计相比过往的顽皮狗游戏要更加开放 dei已经退版本了,这就是大作的风险,赶不上潮流 光头丑女成功让我呕吐 拿一个其他游戏里只有一句台词的npc做主角,鱿鱼老板的审美真的是出类拔萃
这游戏不暴死真是是不二出的奇迹了 整段好看的地方就是pv里放的二次元动画 顽皮狗做近战?有点意思 感觉拿其他游戏里只有一句台词的npc做主角,这鱿鱼老板审美逆天。
这游戏如果不暴死,那才是世不二出的奇迹 人设 正确,工作室 正确,发行商 正确。我看这游戏已经预定发售那年的TGA了 不过u1s1这游戏有拿年度的希望 官方宣传稿:
We're back! You have been dying to know what's next for us, and I'm thrilled to finally be able to answer: Naughty Dog's next game is Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, currently in development for the PlayStation 5 console. We've been working on this brand-new adventure since 2020! This game is shaping up to be our wildest, most creative story yet. If you haven't already, check out the announcement trailer.
Intergalactic stars our newest protagonist, Jordan A. Mun, a dangerous bounty hunter who ends up stranded on Sempiria – a distant planet whose communication with the outside universe went dark hundreds of years ago. In fact, anyone who's flown to it hoping to unravel its mysterious past was never heard from again. Jordan will have to use all her skills and wits if she hopes to be the first person in over 600 years to leave its orbit.
Beyond that, we're keeping everything about the story under wraps – at least for now. What we can tell you is that this game lives up to the Naughty Dog tradition of creating an emotional, character-driven epic journey. Our narrative goals are rivaled only by our gameplay ambitions. This will be the deepest gameplay in Naughty Dog's history, taking our learnings from our previous franchises and pushing them beyond anything we've ever done before.
Jordan is played by the talented Tati Gabrielle, who leads a stellar cast (pun intended!). Eagle-eyed players might spot some of the other cast members in the trailer. We'll reveal more of our ensemble down the line.
Our incredible voyage into the cosmos also needs an equally incredible soundtrack. As tremendous fans of their work, I'm excited to announce our collaboration with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross who'll be scoring Intergalactic! The guys are cooking, and the trailer is just a small tease of their work for the game.
We know you're eager for more – and trust us, we're very eager to share more with you. For now, though, it's time to put our heads back down and keep cranking away on Jordan's adventure.
On behalf of the entire team at Naughty Dog, thank you to all our fans! Your support allows us to work on our dream games, bringing these wonderful new worlds and characters to life. We can't wait to show you more!
See you on the other side,
Neil Druckmann
Naughty Dog Studio Head
我们回来了 你们一直很想知道我们的下一款游戏是什么,我很高兴终于可以回答你们了: 顽皮狗的下一款游戏是《星际:异端先知》,目前正在为 PlayStation 5 游戏机开发。自 2020 年以来,我们一直在开发这款全新的冒险游戏!这款游戏将成为我们迄今为止最狂野、最具创意的故事。如果您还没有看过预告片,请点击查看。
星际》的主角是我们最新的主人公乔丹-蒙(Jordan A. Mun),他是一名危险的赏金猎人,最终被困在了森比瑞亚(Sempiria)--一个遥远的星球上,几百年前,这个星球与外部宇宙的通讯中断了。事实上,任何飞往这个星球希望揭开其神秘过去的人都再也没有了消息。如果乔丹希望成为 600 多年来第一个离开它的轨道的人,就必须动用她所有的技能和智慧。
乔丹由才华横溢的塔蒂-加布里埃尔(Tati Gabrielle)扮演,她领导着一个明星阵容(双关语!)。
顽皮狗工作室负责人 官方宣传稿:
We're back! You have been dying to know what's next for us, and I'm thrilled to finally be able to answer: Naughty Dog's next game is Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, currently in development for the PlayStation 5 console. We've been working on this brand-new adventure since 2020! This game is shaping up to be our wildest, most creative story yet. If you haven't already, check out the announcement trailer.
Intergalactic stars our newest protagonist, Jordan A. Mun, a dangerous bounty hunter who ends up stranded on Sempiria – a distant planet whose communication with the outside universe went dark hundreds of years ago. In fact, anyone who's flown to it hoping to unravel its mysterious past was never heard from again. Jordan will have to use all her skills and wits if she hopes to be the first person in over 600 years to leave its orbit.
Beyond that, we're keeping everything about the story under wraps – at least for now. What we can tell you is that this game lives up to the Naughty Dog tradition of creating an emotional, character-driven epic journey. Our narrative goals are rivaled only by our gameplay ambitions. This will be the deepest gameplay in Naughty Dog's history, taking our learnings from our previous franchises and pushing them beyond anything we've ever done before.
Jordan is played by the talented Tati Gabrielle, who leads a stellar cast (pun intended!). Eagle-eyed players might spot some of the other cast members in the trailer. We'll reveal more of our ensemble down the line.
Our incredible voyage into the cosmos also needs an equally incredible soundtrack. As tremendous fans of their work, I'm excited to announce our collaboration with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross who'll be scoring Intergalactic! The guys are cooking, and the trailer is just a small tease of their work for the game.
We know you're eager for more – and trust us, we're very eager to share more with you. For now, though, it's time to put our heads back down and keep cranking away on Jordan's adventure.
On behalf of the entire team at Naughty Dog, thank you to all our fans! Your support allows us to work on our dream games, bringing these wonderful new worlds and characters to life. We can't wait to show you more!
See you on the other side,
Neil Druckmann
Naughty Dog Studio Head
我们回来了 你们一直很想知道我们的下一款游戏是什么,我很高兴终于可以回答你们了: 顽皮狗的下一款游戏是《星际:异端先知》,目前正在为 PlayStation 5 游戏机开发。自 2020 年以来,我们一直在开发这款全新的冒险游戏!这款游戏将成为我们迄今为止最狂野、最具创意的故事。如果您还没有看过预告片,请点击查看。
星际》的主角是我们最新的主人公乔丹-蒙(Jordan A. Mun),他是一名危险的赏金猎人,最终被困在了森比瑞亚(Sempiria)--一个遥远的星球上,几百年前,这个星球与外部宇宙的通讯中断了。事实上,任何飞往这个星球希望揭开其神秘过去的人都再也没有了消息。如果乔丹希望成为 600 多年来第一个离开它的轨道的人,就必须动用她所有的技能和智慧。
乔丹由才华横溢的塔蒂-加布里埃尔(Tati Gabrielle)扮演,她领导着一个明星阵容(双关语!)。
顽皮狗工作室负责人 SergeGlenn 发表于 2024-12-13 12:03
之前有播客爆料说游戏 ...
顽皮狗版亡命徒? 除非是这个角色外观能自定义,否则一点玩的欲望都没有。 建议看一下牛子豪这段的切片,最后出现顽皮狗时,那声哀嚎太真情实感了。 这光头丑女 2020年立项,船大掉不了头了是吧
只能祝它成为顽皮狗的星鸣特工了 丑到一定程度了
这也太觉醒了,有点犯恶心 这又是一个年度最佳游戏呢 感觉比较稳的是说了并不是星际旅行而是单星球探索
主角开的飞船后面直接是保时捷的标,另外配乐是Trent Reznor&Atticus Ross
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross是由美国工业摇滚乐队Nine Inch Nails创始人Trent Reznor和英国音乐家Atticus Ross组建的音乐二人组。自组合成立以来,他们已斩获两座格莱美、两座奥斯卡以及一座艾美奖奖杯。
2013年,组合凭借电影《龙纹身的女孩》主题曲获得格莱美最佳影视原声。七年后,二人又为动画电影《心灵奇旅》创作主题曲,并再次将该奖项收入囊中。此外,这首歌曲还为二人赢得奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。而这并非二人首次获得该奖项,早在十年前,二人共同为电影《社交网络》创作的主题曲就已经为二人赢得该奖项。2020年,二人又凭借超级英雄剧集《守望者》主题曲赢下一座艾美奖。此外,Trent Reznor作为Nine Inch Nails乐队成员也曾两度收获格莱美奖。
还以为是和尚 女主像更爷们些的菅田将晖 这浓眉猿人光头亚女,我操 出现顽皮狗的时候我都楞了一下,意料之外情理之中,尼尔赤石去吧 就算排除长相,这种80’90’年代复古太空科幻也不新鲜了,女主拿红色光剑砍机器人那一幕土到我了 SergeGlenn 发表于 2024-12-13 12:31
主角开的飞船后面直接是保时捷的标,另外配乐是Trent Rez ...
居然是Trent Reznor,他近30年前给quake做的soundtrack我非常喜欢