发表于 2024-11-30 15:17
发表于 2024-11-30 15:27
Formidable 发表于 2024-11-30 15:16
发表于 2024-11-30 15:30
D-JoeII 发表于 2024-11-30 15:17
发表于 2024-11-30 16:17
Bieaeml 发表于 2024-11-30 15:27
发表于 2024-11-30 17:08
发表于 2024-11-30 17:12
Formidable 发表于 2024-11-30 16:17
如果游戏的文案和剧情内容本身出现缩水那才叫偷懒,而这方面国内试玩也基本上是好评,人称代词这事目前最 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 17:21
爱护动物抓根宝 发表于 2024-11-30 17:08
发表于 2024-11-30 17:41
爱护动物抓根宝 发表于 2024-11-30 17:12
真要因为文本质量高所以被放过一马,长远来看不是更糟糕嘛,为了大伙的未来着想还是献祭了吧 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 17:49
Formidable 发表于 2024-11-30 15:16
发表于 2024-11-30 17:52
发表于 2024-11-30 17:56
视奸用小号 发表于 2024-11-30 17:41
好好好,直接快进到 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 18:02
爱护动物抓根宝 发表于 2024-11-30 17:56
相比之下我 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 18:39
Re.Troy 发表于 2024-11-30 14:50
这题我会,“有DEI不玩太极端了,我们只是不想要丑的不是所有LGBT都不能要,只要它LGBT得够好还是可以玩 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 18:41
本帖最后由 视奸用小号 于 2024-11-30 18:42 编辑
爱护动物抓根宝 发表于 2024-11-30 17:56
相比之下我 ...
游戏业频繁扑街原因多了,往小了说游戏市场发展停滞玩法表现力都遇到瓶颈3a级别的投资边际效益递减严重,往大了说全球各种形式的文学艺术都在走下坡路(我感觉跟经历过二战冷战的几代人逐渐凋零有不小的关系),哪怕是今年作为反woke圣体的黑猴,那剧情质量 想吹能下得去嘴吗这种情况下一帮人诚心盼望烧死DEI一个女巫瘟疫就结束了在我看来多少有点鸵
发表于 2024-11-30 18:46
发表于 2024-11-30 18:56
震荡波 发表于 2024-11-30 18:46
内部员工爆料,自从被收购后微软就空降了DEI部门和人员进来,这个美术就是其中一个,为人蛮横不讲道理,不 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 19:07
视奸用小号 发表于 2024-11-30 18:56
微软2015年就空降个画画的去潜伏三年是吧,木马战术玩这么大?这种受众定制版“内部爆料”能信的只能说这 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 19:27
震荡波 发表于 2024-11-30 18:46
内部员工爆料,自从被收购后微软就空降了DEI部门和人员进来,这个美术就是其中一个,为人蛮横不讲道理,不 ...
发表于 2024-11-30 19:39
发表于 2024-11-30 20:19
ninini212 发表于 2024-11-30 17:49
发表于 2024-11-30 20:35
发表于 2024-11-30 20:39
发表于 2024-11-30 23:38
本帖最后由 otani 于 2024-11-30 23:43 编辑
Ex-Obsidian Whistleblower: Matt Hansen is Pure EVIL...
前黑曜石举报人:马特·汉森 (Matt Hansen) 是纯粹的恶棍......
Obsidian Entertainment Whistleblower Exposes Toxic Corporate Culture and Gaming’s AAA Decline Due To "The Message"...
Obsidian Entertainment 举报人揭露了有毒的企业文化和游戏因“信息”而导致 AAA 级下降......
A whistleblower from Obsidian Entertainment has come forward with some seriously WILD information about the studio's internal culture under Microsoft's ownership, and more specifically, how Matt Hansen grew to power over there.
Obsidian Entertainment 的一名举报人站出来提供了一些关于 Microsoft 拥有的工作室内部文化的严重 WILD 信息,更具体地说,马特·汉森 (Matt Hansen) 是如何在那里掌权的。
The following insights they've given to me have painted quite the 'grim' picture of a once-thriving creative environment that's unfortunately devolved into a corporate-driven leftist echo chamber where agendas and ideologies now far outweigh any actual passion for game development. This former employee, who we'll call "Doe" for anonymity, describes a workplace completely overrun by external influences, misguided priorities, and a toxic atmosphere that ultimately drove him out.
The center of this catastrophe of a workplace? None other than Matt Hansen. Some of the stuff I was told about him is going to blow your mind...
After my initial video expose discussing some of the concerns found in Hansen's BlueSky tweet history, this whistleblower decided to reach out to me via email. They told me they were a big fan of my video exposes about FireWalk Studios and BioWare - and from that, they felt confident that I was the perfect person to divulge this info to in order to get it out there for everyone. Doing this is the first step in fixing the problems that are plaguing the video game industry. We set up a video call from that and spoke for nearly 2 and a half hours. In addition, I've verified their previous employment history, and am extremely confident that what was told to me is 100% the real deal.
在我最初的视频曝光了讨论 Hansen 的 BlueSky 推文历史中发现的一些问题后,这位举报人决定通过电子邮件与我联系。他们告诉我,他们是我关于 FireWalk Studios 和 BioWare 的视频曝光的忠实粉丝——从那时起,他们确信我是向其透露这些信息以将其提供给所有人的完美人选。这样做是解决困扰视频游戏行业的问题的第一步。我们从那里建立了一个视频通话,并交谈了近 2 个半小时。此外,我已经核实了他们以前的工作经历,并且非常有信心他们告诉我的是 100% 真实的交易。
It's not easy to come forward and do this from the perspective as Doe - a now whistleblower - Doe informed me after putting all this information together what exactly they're going to be dealing with after this gets published:
从 Doe - 现在的举报人 - Doe 的角度站出来做这件事并不容易 - Doe 在将所有这些信息放在一起后告诉我,在这些信息发布后他们究竟要处理什么:
"I know how spiteful of a person Matt unfortunately is and I know he and probably others will try to witch hunt me just to try and make my life hell because they aren't getting their way."
The DEI Era and Corporate Overreach
DEI 时代和企业过度扩张
The shift in workplace dynamics began after Microsoft acquired Obsidian in November 2018 and made them a part of Xbox Studios. They implemented some... very strange corporate policies. The first tip-off to Doe that things weren't 'normal' anymore was with the introduction of (optional-but-in-reality-mandatory) pronouns in email signatures, meetings, and other communications. While initially framed as optional, it quickly became clear that dissent was not welcome. Doe decided they didn't want to add pronouns to their own communications, but 'went along with' the idea that others were free to do so. A 'live and let live' mantra that initially at least - seemed so harmless at the time. Doe knew deep down that not including pronouns wasn't a good look from the jump, but declined them anyways because it was just so... strange to list them.
工作场所动态的转变始于 Microsoft 于 2018 年 11 月收购 Obsidian 并使其成为 Xbox Studios 的一部分。他们实施了一些...非常奇怪的公司政策。向 Doe 透露事情不再“正常”的第一个消息是在电子邮件签名、会议和其他通信中引入(可选但实际上是强制性的)代词。虽然最初被定性为可有可无,但很快就发现异议并不受欢迎。Doe 决定他们不想在自己的交流中添加代词,但“同意”其他人可以自由这样做的想法。“活下去,让活下去”的口头禅,至少在最初 - 在当时似乎是如此无害。Doe 在内心深处知道,从一开始就不包括代词并不是一个好看的样子,但还是拒绝了它们,因为这实在是......列出他们很奇怪。
Of course, this 'harmless' pronoun situation turned serious shortly after the initial email came through. Doe recalled an incident of someone at Obsidian complaining to HR a couple weeks after that Microsoft pronoun initiative began. After the misgendering incident, Matt Hansen sent a company-wide email declaring a zero tolerance for intentional or malicious misgendering. The email’s tone was described to me as passive-aggressive yet, threatening, a fair warning that employees who couldn’t align with these policies would face termination.
当然,在最初的电子邮件发出后不久,这种“无害”代词的情况就变得严重了。Doe 回忆起 Microsoft 代词计划开始几周后,Obsidian 的某人向 HR 投诉的事件。在性别错误事件发生后,马特·汉森 (Matt Hansen) 在全公司范围内发送了一封电子邮件,宣布对故意或恶意的性别错误零容忍。在我看来,这封电子邮件的语气是被动攻击性的,但又是威胁性的,是一个公平的警告,即无法遵守这些政策的员工将面临解雇。
So now we have this 'harmless' idea of instituting pronouns turning out to be... quite harmful in the grand scheme. Who'd a thought!? In all seriousness - Doe described what I would agree as using the pronouns as a way of controlling others, and using them as a way to shift the power balance/structure of the entire organization.
所以现在我们有这个“无害”的想法,即建立代词,结果证明是......在宏伟的计划中相当有害。谁会想到!?严肃地说 - Doe 描述了我同意的,即使用代词作为控制他人的一种方式,并将它们用作改变整个组织的权力平衡/结构的一种方式。
For Doe, this was the turning point.
对 Doe 来说,这是一个转折点。
Doe observed that the Obsidian's culture seemed increasingly unwelcoming to anyone who didn’t fit a 'specific' mold, with demographics at the company becoming noticeably homogeneous in one specific direction. Doe also observed that Matt Hansen extremely difficult to work with, citing an unwillingness to accept constructive criticism and a consistent tendency to make assumptions about lower level employees’ commitment. These experiences, combined with a broader sense that the company’s priorities had shifted away from fostering a collaborative and creative environment, left him questioning their place within the studio.
Doe 观察到,黑曜石的文化似乎越来越不欢迎任何不符合“特定”模式的人,公司的人口结构在一个特定方向上变得明显同质化。Doe 还观察到 Matt Hansen 极难合作,理由是他不愿意接受建设性的批评,并且一直倾向于对较低级别的员工的承诺做出假设。这些经历,再加上更广泛的感觉,即公司的优先事项已经从培养协作和创造性的环境转移,让他质疑他们在工作室中的地位。
Out of, at the time - well over 200 employees, there was only a handful of straight, white males. As they put it: "I probably could count them all... on one hand?". The studio itself was extremely gay, and LGBTQ friendly.
在当时的 200 多名员工中,只有少数异性恋白人男性。正如他们所说:“我大概可以数出他们所有人......一方面?工作室本身非常同性恋,对 LGBTQ 友好。
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
...But it is a bit curious how the ideology begins to morph and push to adhere to a certain 'expected' viewpoint, and if you do not ideologically align, you are instantly an outcast, creating an even deeper echo chamber of like-minded thought.
Doe began quietly updating their resume, realizing the workplace they initially signed up for had now instead become intensely hostile to anyone who didn’t conform. “I didn’t touch that with a 20-foot pole” Doe told me, knowing deep down that any pushback would put them on the radar as the next person out the door. Despite staying at Obsidian for another few years, the toxicity only grew during that time, and he eventually parted with the company.
Doe 开始悄悄地更新他们的简历,意识到他们最初报名参加的工作场所现在反而对任何不服从的人产生了强烈的敌意。“我没有用 20 英尺长的杆子碰它,”多伊告诉我,他内心深处知道,任何阻力都会让他们在下一个走出门的人时受到关注。尽管在 Obsidian 又呆了几年,但那段时间毒性只增不减,他最终与公司分道扬镳。
I'd love to go into more details here, but again, for full anonymity, I need top leave it surface level. Trust me when I tell you, it's directly in line with EXACTLY what keeps happening to good employees at these game companies.
我很想在这里详细介绍,但同样,为了完全匿名,我需要 top leave it surface level。相信我,这与这些游戏公司的优秀员工不断发生的事情直接一致。
Spiritual Warfare in the Workplace
To Doe, the struggles within Obsidian represented far more than workplace conflicts—they were a battleground in a larger spiritual war between good and evil. Doe began the conversation recalling a pivotal moment two years after the COVID pandemic began, when the company held a meeting to discuss returning to the office. The reaction from employees was nothing short of COMPLETELY unhinged. Employees of all levels melted down in front of all the higher ups on a Microsoft Teams call.
对 Doe 来说,Obsidian 内部的斗争远不止是工作场所的冲突——它们是一场更大的善与恶之间精神战争的战场。Doe 在谈话开始时回忆起了 COVID 大流行开始两年后的关键时刻,当时公司召开了一次会议,讨论重返办公室。员工的反应简直是完全精神错乱。各级员工在 Microsoft Teams 电话会议的所有高层面前崩溃了。
They made demands while berating the CEO Feargus Urquhart as if they controlled the company instead of him. Leadership was so taken aback by the collective massive outrage that they quickly walked back their plans of framing the return-to-office initiative as an attempt to improve efficiency and product quality... and allowed them to work from home for longer.
他们一边提出要求,一边斥责首席执行官 Feargus Urquhart,就好像他们控制了公司而不是他一样。领导层对集体的巨大愤怒感到非常震惊,以至于他们很快就撤回了将重返办公室计划视为提高效率和产品质量的计划......并允许他们在家工作更长时间。
Amid the chaos, Matt Hansen - the Art Director for over 9 years now at Obsidian, emerged as a vocal advocate for continued remote work, citing various mental health concerns for employees. At the time, many employees were still clinging to outdated CDC guidance, convinced that returning to the office would be life-threatening. Doe was struck by the quasi-religious fervor of these 'particular' individuals, those who apparently embodied a 'cult-like' adherence to fear—wearing multiple masks and living in bubbles if they could. Specifically stating these were the type of people that would wear 5 or 6 masks at once if they could. The same types that would advocate for traveling around in society in a literal bubble for enhanced protection...
在混乱中,Matt Hansen(在 Obsidian 担任艺术总监超过 9 年)成为继续远程工作的直言不讳的倡导者,他提到了员工的各种心理健康问题。当时,许多员工仍然坚持过时的 CDC 指南,认为重返办公室会危及生命。Doe 被这些“特定”个体的准宗教热情所震撼,这些人显然体现了对恐惧的“邪教式”坚持——如果可以的话,他们戴着多个面具,生活在泡沫中。特别指出,如果可以的话,这些人会一次戴 5 或 6 个口罩。那些会倡导在字面上的泡沫中四处游荡以加强保护的相同类型......
Doe believes this intersection of extreme COVID caution and their LGBTQ/Marxist alignments over at Obsidian has now morphed into a sort of new-age religion, driven by blind obedience to an ideological dogma. Doe felt that these people needed a real religion to embrace, because without it, they were lost souls clinging to identity politics as their god.
Doe 认为,这种对 COVID 的极端谨慎与他们在 Obsidian 的 LGBTQ/马克思主义结盟的交集现在已经演变成一种新时代的宗教,由盲目服从意识形态教条所驱动。多伊觉得这些人需要一个真正的宗教来拥抱,因为没有它,他们就会成为迷失的灵魂,坚持将身份政治视为他们的上帝。
Passionless Studios and the Rise of Corporate Influence
Passionless Studios 和企业影响力的崛起
Doe’s experience at Obsidian highlights a much larger issue plaguing the entire (especially AAA) gaming industry: the decline of any authentic and true passion among developers. Doe feels that many employees at Obsidian—and other AAA studios—aren't there to create great games for gamers, but instead, to push agendas from the top down to further promote their ideology. Gaming’s mainstream popularity and massive cultural reach have attracted outside influences like Bridge, BlackRock/Vanguard, and Sweet Baby Inc., whose primary focus is financial gain rather than great game experiences and overall game quality.
Doe 在 Obsidian 的经历凸显了困扰整个(尤其是 AAA)游戏行业的一个更大的问题:开发者中任何真实和真实的热情都会下降。Doe 认为,Obsidian 和其他 AAA 工作室的许多员工并不是为了为游戏玩家创造出色的游戏,而是自上而下推动议程,以进一步推广他们的意识形态。游戏的主流流行和巨大的文化影响力吸引了 Bridge、BlackRock/Vanguard 和 Sweet Baby Inc. 等外部影响,这些公司的主要关注点是经济利益,而不是出色的游戏体验和整体游戏质量。
This corporate chokehold has now stifled creativity and stripped games of value for players. Leaders at Obsidian like Matt Hansen continue to be empowered to go on unhinged BlueSky racist rants, attacking gamers, and being protected by echo chambers of positive feedback.
这种企业扼杀扼杀了创造力,剥夺了游戏对玩家的价值。像 Matt Hansen 这样的 Obsidian 领导者继续被授权进行精神错乱的 BlueSky 种族主义咆哮,攻击游戏玩家,并受到积极反馈的回音室的保护。
Hansen has grown more emboldened over the years to attack the very gamers that were there to support his product, while ignoring the core audience concerns.
多年来,Hansen 越来越大胆地攻击那些支持他的产品的游戏玩家,而忽视了核心受众的担忧。
The positive feedback loop Hansen has been embroiled in is beginning to collapse, we are seeing it live, first hand - RIGHT NOW - and studios like Obsidian are facing a rude awakening as reality sets in. Players are rejecting subpar products, and the disconnect between developers and their audience is becoming impossible to ignore. You gotta imagine Microsoft HAS to step in and change gears here - if they care anything about the future success of their products in a customer-driven ecosystem. But according to Doe, Microsoft doesn't care, and that's precisely how people like Hansen have not only remained in power at their respective company, but continued to succeed in the corporate structure.
Hansen 卷入的正反馈循环开始崩溃,我们正在亲眼目睹它 - 现在 - 随着现实的到来,像 Obsidian 这样的工作室正面临一个粗鲁的觉醒。玩家正在拒绝低于标准的产品,开发人员和他们的受众之间的脱节正变得不容忽视。你得想象一下 Microsoft 必须介入并改变方向 - 如果他们关心其产品在客户驱动的生态系统中的未来成功的话。但根据 Doe 的说法,Microsoft 并不在乎,而这正是像 Hansen 这样的人不仅在各自的公司继续掌权,而且在公司结构中继续取得成功的原因。
It Wasn't ALL Bad Though...
Doe shared with me that amidst all the awfulness from people like Matt Hansen, there were and still are some really wonderful and talented people employed at Obsidian that are really kind and collaborative and genuinely helpful people. Specifically, Doe stated:
Doe 与我分享说,在像 Matt Hansen 这样的人的所有糟糕中,Obsidian 曾经并且仍然雇用了一些非常出色和有才华的人,他们是真正善良、协作和真正乐于助人的人。具体来说,Doe 表示:
"I learned a lot from several people there and have a lot of respect for them and their craft. I think the distinction is really important to make because many of these people are good at heart and well intentioned and just want to make cool stuff. Many of those who've fallen unknowingly to this indoctrination can't really see it for what it is, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Down Goes the AAA Gaming Industry
AAA 级游戏行业走下坡路
The revelations from Doe serve as a warning for the entire AAA gaming industry. The influx of corporate money and ideological agendas threatens to erode the very heart of what makes gaming special (at least - originally): passionate developers creating immersive, high-quality experiences for players.
Doe 的揭露对整个 AAA 游戏行业都是一个警告。企业资金和意识形态议程的涌入可能会侵蚀游戏特别之处的核心(至少在最初是这样):充满激情的开发人员为玩家创造身临其境的高质量体验。
Doe continued: Doe 继续说道:
My goal with helping bring all of this to light is I want to help spread awareness of what is actually the problem in our industry and where it's coming from and why. I do not want to see my friends and peers fail, I do not want to see Obsidian and Microsoft fail. I would love to see healthy competition again in our industry where developers are unshackled by bad management and leadership, shareholders and investor's personal interests. Making a good game comes first, if you can convey a message through a seamless and fun experience then even better. Let the creative endeavor happen naturally, it can't be forced. I'm a firm believer in the free market of ideas and meritocracy and whatever is the best idea for the game and what the playerbase wants that's what should be implemented.
我帮助揭示这一切的目标是帮助传播我们行业中真正存在的问题、问题的来源和原因的认识。我不想看到我的朋友和同行失败,我不想看到 Obsidian 和 Microsoft 失败。我希望在我们的行业中再次看到良性竞争,开发人员不受糟糕的管理和领导、股东和投资者个人利益的束缚。制作一款好的游戏是第一位的,如果你能通过无缝和有趣的体验来传达信息,那就更好了。让创造性的努力自然而然地发生,它不能被强迫。我坚信思想和精英管理的自由市场,只要对游戏来说最好的想法和玩家群想要什么,那就应该实施。
...and Doe continues: ...Doe 继续说道:
While I want to see success for everyone, I think it's important that it is earned. Honesty and accountability is paramount. For those that don't earn it, I hope you learn from your earned failures. Success is built on learning from our past failures. Success can be a blessing, but remember to also stay humble and check your egos at the door when you clock in. We're here because our players support us to do so. We're here to make a fun experience and provide escapism for them, maybe even inspire some of our fellow gamers to take up the mantle like we have from those who inspired us to join the creative endeavors of game development. We're here for the journey and the process, not the destination. Developers win, when their players win
This Doe is, deep down, a true passionate gamer - but if more studios continue to fall into the trap of prioritizing external influences over their craft, the more they will alienate the very audience they depend on.
在内心深处,这位 Doe 是一个真正充满激情的游戏玩家 - 但如果越来越多的工作室继续陷入将外部影响置于其工艺之上的陷阱,他们就越会疏远他们所依赖的观众。
For Obsidian Entertainment, and the industry at large, the time for self-reflection is now. If studios don’t address these growing issues, they'll find themselves losing not only whatever talent they still have remaining on board, but also the trust of the players who keep them alive.
对于 Obsidian Entertainment 和整个行业来说,现在是自我反省的时候了。如果工作室不解决这些日益严重的问题,他们不仅会失去他们仍然拥有的人才,还会失去让他们活下去的玩家的信任。
发表于 2024-11-30 23:45
otani 发表于 2024-11-30 23:38
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其實是不是有一條Matt Hansen成為黑曜石甚至微軟CEO的世界線
发表于 2024-12-1 01:27
在混乱中,Matt Hansen(在 Obsidian 担任艺术总监超过 9 年)成为继续远程工作的直言不讳的倡导者,他提到了员工的各种心理健康问题。当时,许多员工仍然坚持过时的 CDC 指南,认为重返办公室会危及生命。Doe 被这些“特定”个体的准宗教热情所震撼,这些人显然体现了对恐惧的“邪教式”坚持——如果可以的话,他们戴着多个面具,生活在泡沫中。特别指出,如果可以的话,这些人会一次戴 5 或 6 个口罩。那些会倡导在字面上的泡沫中四处游荡以加强保护的相同类型......
Doe 认为,这种对 COVID 的极端谨慎与他们在 Obsidian 的 LGBTQ/马克思主义结盟的交集现在已经演变成一种新时代的宗教,由盲目服从意识形态教条所驱动。多伊觉得这些人需要一个真正的宗教来拥抱,因为没有它,他们就会成为迷失的灵魂,坚持将身份政治视为他们的上帝。
发表于 2024-12-1 09:58
本帖最后由 mimighost 于 2024-12-1 10:02 编辑
糖然君 发表于 2024-12-1 01:27
在混乱中,Matt Hansen(在 Obsidian 担任艺术总监超过 9 年)成为继续远程工作的直言不讳的倡导者,他提到 ...
发表于 2024-12-1 10:37
发表于 2024-12-1 17:55
mimighost 发表于 2024-12-1 09:58
发表于 2024-12-1 22:19
发表于 2024-12-2 01:15
发表于 2024-12-2 09:10
发表于 2024-12-2 14:10
本帖最后由 云野十五 于 2024-12-2 14:11 编辑
otani 发表于 2024-11-30 23:38
看到 ...
发表于 2024-12-2 21:15
风景很好 发表于 2024-11-29 19:21
我已经等不及这个游戏发售了 哈哈哈哈哈。
发表于 2024-12-3 08:08
发表于 2024-12-3 09:06
视奸用小号 发表于 2024-11-30 18:41
游戏业 ...
—— 来自 OPPO PCLM10, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4
发表于 2024-12-3 09:10
发表于 2024-12-3 09:48
发表于 2024-12-3 12:01
发表于 2024-12-3 12:40
mithralmask 发表于 2024-12-2 01:15
发表于 2024-12-3 13:13
zris 发表于 2024-12-3 12:40
—— 来自 vivo V2115A, Android 11上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4