fj198777 发表于 2024-5-21 10:37


动视暴雪将为所有单位配置DEI辅导员并举办'struggle sessions'


Game developer Activision Blizzard accused of hosting 'struggle sessions' for white developers to discuss their 'privilege'

Andrew Chapados 安德鲁·查帕多斯
May 17, 2024 2024 年 5 月 17 日

Activision recently published a braggadocious report about the company's DEI work.
动视最近发布了一份关于该公司 DEI 工作的夸张的报告。

Video game company Activision Blizzard allegedly pushes employees to participate in diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and installs diversity officers to ensure DEI compliance for each video game.
据称,电玩公司动视暴雪推动员工参与多元化、公平和包容性计划,并设立多元化官员以确保每款电玩游戏均符合 DEI 规定。

Former Blizzard designer Mark Kern posted an allegedly leaked internal document that showed the studio — which develops popular titles like World of Warcraft and Call of Duty — has been pushing its extensive DEI work on its employees.
前暴雪设计师 Mark Kern 发布了一份据称被泄露的内部文档,该文档显示该工作室(开发《魔兽世界》和《决胜时刻》等热门游戏)一直在向员工推销其广泛的 DEI 工作。

'Together, we will build a future that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and empowers all.'

Kern also made other alarming claims that he said came from sources inside the company.

"I've been shocked at what my former co-workers have told me about Activision Blizzard. It's a very different place from what it used to be, when the games were better and we left politics out of it," he told Blaze News.
他告诉 Blaze News:'我的前同事告诉我有关动视暴雪的事情,我感到很震惊。现在的情况与过去非常不同,当时的游戏更好了,我们把政治排除在外。' 。

"Blizzard now has struggle sessions where white developers must discuss their privilege, and DEI emails go out every week. 'Non-mandatory' meetings that are clearly and openly mandatory, and now, review forms that have you rate how well you DEI/ESG."
'暴雪现在有斗争会议,白人开发者必须讨论他们的特权,每周都会发出DEI 电子邮件。"非强制性"会议是明确和公开的强制性的,现在,审查表格,让你评估你的DEI /ESG 水平'。

"I've been told nearly every game design decision at Activision has to be run by DEI officers (their official title) that sit on the teams themselves. I hope that hasn't reached Blizzard itself, but I fear the worst," he added.
'我被告知,动视几乎每个游戏设计决策都必须由团队本身的 DEI 官员(他们的官方头衔)来执行。我希望暴雪本身不会受到影响,但我担心最坏的情况发生,'他添加。

Activision representative Delaney Simmons did not address any of the above claims when asked by Blaze News. Among other questions, the spokesperson was asked about the alleged sessions and whether participation in DEI programs affects an employee's job standing. This article will be updated with any applicable responses.
当 Blaze News 询问时,动视代表 Delaney Simmons 没有回应上述任何说法。除其他问题外,发言人还被问及所谓的会议以及参与 DEI 计划是否会影响员工的工作地位。本文将根据任何适用的回覆进行更新。

In the alleged leaked email, said to be company-wide, Activision Blizzard shouts from the mountain tops about its DEI work.
在这封据称是全公司范围内泄露的电子邮件中,动视暴雪在山顶上大肆宣扬其 DEI 工作。

The document was sent to Kern as an alleged internal leak, but Activision's Simmons told Blaze News that it was not "a leak," and then pointed to the company's 2023-2024 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Report.
该文档被作为所谓的内部泄密事件发送给科恩,但动视暴雪的西蒙斯告诉 Blaze News,这不是“泄密”,然后指出该公司的 2023-2024 年多元化、股权和包容性报告。

In the document, the studio boasted about its curation of "meaningful DE&I focused learning opportunities" and the creation of the "IGD council."
在文档中,工作室夸耀其策划的'有意义的 DE&I 重点学习机会'以及'IGD 委员会'的创建。

The acronym stands for "Inclusive Game Design," which later led to the company creating an IGD team.
这个缩写代表“包容性游戏设计”,后来导致该公司创建了一个 IGD 团队。

According to its website, the Activision Blizzard IGD team is responsible for "embedding advocates, best practices, and innovations" in all the company's games.
根据其网站,动视暴雪 IGD 团队负责在该公司的所有游戏中'嵌入倡导者、最佳实践和创新'。

This is to "ensure that our games are the most diverse, welcoming, and inclusive."

The apparent newsletter also bragged about working with "Minority-owned Businesses Enterprises" before thanking readers for their support in their dedication to "holistic inclusivity."

"Together, we will build a future that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and empowers all," the letter closed. The document was signed by Casey Morris, the company's diversity, equity, and inclusion officer.
信中最后写道:“我们将共同创建一个拥抱多样性、促进包容性并赋予所有人权力的未来。”该文档由公司多元化、股权和包容性官员凯西莫里斯 (Casey Morris) 签署。

The DEI infusion did not end there by any stretch of the imagination. The company promoted a series of strange "employee networks" that are based on race or sexuality. These included "the black employee network," the "LGBT+ employee network," and the "multicultural employee network."
不管怎样,DEI 的注入并没有就此结束。该公司推行了一系列基于种族或性别的奇怪'员工网络'。其中包括'黑人员工网络'、'LGBT+员工网络'和'多元文化员工网络'。

The company has even stated in its report that it introduced an "inclusion score" for its employees. The score represents "a quantitative measure of the extent to which employees feel welcomed, valued, and included within the organization."

This was used as a justification for the company collecting "DE&I Data," which means tracking race, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Company data showed that it is over 60% white and 79% male.
这被用作该公司收集'DE&I 数据'的理由,'DE&I 数据'意味着追踪种族、性取向和民族。公司数据显示,其中超过 60% 是白人,79% 是男性。

Only 1% identified as nonbinary.
只有 1% 被认为是非二元性别。

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