Hello everyone,Today is Stardew Valley's 8th anniversary. That's a long time, I can't believe it's been so long. But the game is doing great, especially here on Steam which was the first platform I launched the game on, and have always considered it "home". It's an honor that Stardew Valley has been so well-received here on Steam, and I thank all of you for playing the game and creating a cool community around it!
What better day than today to announce the new 1.6 update release date:
March 19th, 2024
This update adds some new content to the game. I will release patch notes on the day of launch, but I think it would be more fun for you to just play the update and discover everything yourself. The update will work perfectly fine with your existing save files, but I'd recommend starting a new file to get all the new stuff in context (and because it's always fun to start a new file). You may even want to start with the new farm type.
With a new update on the horizon, a worldwide concert tour underway, an official cookbook coming soon, and now over 30 million copies sold, Stardew Valley is thriving more than ever. All of this is possible because of you, the players, so I just want to say THANK YOU very much.
I hope you enjoy the update when the time comes, and I'll see you in 3 weeks!
上次这个“一段时间”是两年,NS党已哭晕在厕所 属实是治电子ED的良药,特别容易上头
而且双人同屏体验贼好,跟老婆玩双人的话我感觉这个是T0级别的了 上将郝萌 发表于 2024-3-19 14:42
上次这个“一段时间”是两年,NS党已 ...
用steam deck玩吧 只好再开一个档了,反正另一条线没玩过 这么多年过去了 依旧是最强种田游戏, DQ应该是故意放慢节奏的 有什么角色美化MOD推荐吗?朋友们。 看这个更新内容貌似还挺多的
https://www.stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-1-6-update-full-changelog/ 好急,好想回去 说是最多能8人联机,正好和基友游戏荒了 不知道更新后联机时还需要加速器不,早前和朋友联机一直不太稳定
—— 来自 S1Fun 这哥们赚了那么多还不忘初心做游戏,瑞思拜 仓颉北拳 发表于 2024-3-21 08:10
—— 来自 S1Fun ...
用radmin联很稳定 一次买断终生更新 好久之前买了,只玩了个开头。现在还需要装什么便利mod吗? septer 发表于 2024-3-21 12:37
要么不装,要么全装满,这游戏不便利的地方可太多了 沉迷种地一周,感觉从经济性上酿酒流仍然是版本T0,但新加的熏鱼流也能活。等NS更新了准备玩一个纯熏鱼JOJA档自虐一下。
另外本次的紫色苦茶子彩蛋真是鬼斧神工,苦茶子爱好者狂喜 1.6版本,献祭路线和joja路线有哪些主要差别,有没有懂哥讲讲,开个新档玩畜牧想走joja,又怕1.6献祭有什么新东西 1.6更新了什么捏 8年了还在更 , TGA 2024持续运营奖安排一下 渔王还想继续做渔王 新开了一个档,重度mod农民慢慢等mod随1.6更新 没试新版,以前mod里的修改类的功能还能用吗? 准备开新档了,上次姜岛更新,第六位结婚对象更新的时候就开始没玩过了…… 主机/NS/移动端 同时更新1.6版本了。还会有下一个大版本更新吗?