爱死机第三季预告出了 ,看起来还能期待下
本帖最后由 褪色的雪花 于 2022-5-12 07:23 编辑看预告比第二季好些? https://share.api.weibo.cn/share/304629923,4767337146749304.html?weibo_id=4767337146749304
—— 来自 S1Fun 本帖最后由 ak123 于 2022-5-9 22:32 编辑
质量不值得期待这不是摆明的么,s3是四月的时候连宣发预告片都没有。就宣布要下月上映。而且网飞刚把自己动画部门砍了,高管集体下课,连很多知名导演合作的动画都取消了,基本上不打算继续自产动画了 本帖最后由 DataLore 于 2022-5-9 23:11 编辑
第1集:三个机器人 — 退场策略
Three Robots: Exit Strategies
The first direct sequel in Love, Death + Robots history – from the mind of acclaimed sci-fi novelist John Scalzi. The titular trio of droll droids return to take a whirlwind tour studying post-apocalyptic human survival strategies before mankind was finally snuffed out.
Director: Patrick Osborne
Writer: John Scalzi
Studio: Blow Studio
Bad Travelling
A jable shark-hunting sailing vessel is attacked by a giant crustacean whose size and intelligence is matched only by its appetite. Mutiny, betrayal and ventriloquism with a corpse… welcome aboard the animation directing debut of David Fincher.
Director: David Fincher
Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker, based on the short story by Neal Asher
Studio: Blur Studio
The Very Pulse Of The Machine
When an exploratory expedition on the surface of the moon Io ends in disaster, an astronaut must trek to safety dragging the body of her co-pilot while using potentially mind-warping drugs to deal with the pain of her own injuries in this trippy tribute to comic book legend Moebius.
Director: Emily Dean
Writer: Philip Gelatt, from a short story by Michael Swanwick
Studio: Polygon Pictures
Night of the Mini Dead
The apocalypse is conceived – literally – in a graveyard in this biting zombie satire, which starts with some cheeky cemetery sex and accelerates into a walking dead invasion of everywhere – from downtown LA to the Vatican. It’s the end of the world as we gnaw it.
Director(s): Robert Bisi, Andy Lyon
Writer: Robert Bisi & Andy Lyon, from a short story by Jeff Fowler & Tim Miller
Studio: BUCK
Kill Team Kill
Young, dumb and full of… blood, lots and lots of blood, a ’roid-raging, **-fuelled force of US soldiers faces a foe unlike any they have faced before, the result of a CIA experiment that gets really f***ing Grizzly. From the director of Kung Fu Panda 2.
Director: Jennifer Yuh Nelson
Writer: Philip Gelatt, from a short story by Justin Coates
Studio: Titmouse, Inc.
A story of fear, sex and philosophy on the farthest frontier, as two post-human scientists study an apparently mindless insectoid-race. Tim Miller writes and directs the first ever screen adaptation of the work from renowned Cyberpunk author Bruce Sterling.
Director: Tim Miller
Writer: Tim Miller, based on the short story by Bruce Sterling
Studio: Blur Studio
Mason’s Rats
You know you have a pest control problem when they start to shoot back. The ratpocalypse comes to Scotland, as a grumpy farmer takes drastic steps to deal with an invasion of hyper-evolved rodents. Exterminator: Judgment Day.
Director: Carlos Stevens
Writer: Joe Abercrombie, based on the short story by Neal Asher
Studio: Axis Studios
In Vaulted Halls Entombed
Deep in the mountains of Afghanistan, a squad of Special Forces soldiers has the dangerous job of recovering a hostage held by terrorists. But the real evil they must confront is an elder god of ancient and terrifying power.
Director: Jerome Chen
Writer: Philip Gelatt, based on a short story by Alan Baxter
Studio: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Fantasy and greed combine in this re-imagining of the traditional folktale of a siren whose song lures men to their doom. But her sorcery fails to work on the deaf knight, Jibaro, and the Golden Woman becomes fascinated by him. Thus begins a deadly dance of two predators.
Director: Alberto Mielgo
Writer: Alberto Mielgo
Studio: Pinkman.tv
关键是这个致爱丽丝的变奏也太好听了 预告炸裂 酱油康 发表于 2022-5-10 08:56
关键是这个致爱丽丝的变奏也太好听了 ...
Wall Of Noise《Fur Elise Trailerized》https://c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/u?__=J3UyZQbyOtlc @QQ音乐
—— 来自 OPPO PCLM10, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.0.4-play 那改一下标题啊 本帖最后由 酱油康 于 2022-5-10 11:06 编辑
susan28 发表于 2022-5-10 10:49
Wall Of Noise《Fur Elise Trailerized》https://c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/u?__=J3UyZQbyOtlc @QQ音乐
不过肯定是打不过一季,逼格有齐马蓝,场面有毛子打怪兽,开局的品质立的太高。 某集有锤味,估计是做战锤官方动画的制作组做的。 预告这个致爱丽丝变奏有点东西的,正片内容谨慎观望下,不要像第二季那么shi就好 其实第一季大部分质量就挺差的,全靠其中几集撑着 我看网飞上20号才出啊,已经有资源了? 感觉第二季就没有第一季一些剧集惊艳了,敢于色,敢于血腥,敢于绽放 第三季看预告还挺有意思的啊,小期待一下吧 第三季看预告可以啊! 楼主能改一下标题吗,这都标题欺诈了 看预告不是还行吗 preious 发表于 2022-5-11 18:51
—— 来自 Xiaomi Mi9 Pro 5G, Android 11上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2-play 虽然但是……其实这剧的逼格水平主要取决于改编文本的水平。 鼠人科技震撼人心 明天就要出了,等大佬的神秘链接。。。 据说第一集已经偷跑了? 传统第一集先跑。
养着周末一口气看完。 今天啥时候出啊 我搞不懂为什么要把这个放在第一集,力度不够啊,这玩意儿,它如果不是爱死机,那挺好的
但是放这里面,甚至不如上一次出来的时候惊艳 Love.Death.and.Robots.S03.1080p.NF.WEBRip.DDP5.1.Atmos.x264:
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:43c68415351d13548e4e861299ef39c9913c5e23 仨机器人唠嗑能出番外吗,20集那种,快被那个橘黄色的混邪巨魔育儿机器人给笑死了 《差劲旅行》,感觉好久没见过人设这么好的白人男主了,聪明果决,心狠手辣,目的性强,而且守得住自己最后的原则,赢到最后让人心服口服 这最后一集也太抽象了
— from Sony XQ-AT52, Android 12 of S1 Next Goose v2.5.2-play 虫族那个 选两个不都一样吗