傲游 发表于 2021-7-20 17:46

傲游 发表于 2021-7-20 17:47

str007 发表于 2021-7-20 17:49

傲游 发表于 2021-7-20 17:54

结夜野棠. 发表于 2021-7-20 18:19

“Android 系统也不安全” 这啥标题党

ryanz 发表于 2021-7-20 18:41

国内的媒体洗的什么稿,人家这么长一篇文章,内容就剩这么点了,来源是 washingtonpost 的 Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware ,我不知道s1能不能贴这种外链,不贴了。苹果的回应也在报道中
"For over a decade, Apple has led the industry in security innovation and, as a result, security researchers agree iPhone is the safest, most secure consumer mobile device on the market,” he said in a statement. “Attacks like the ones described are highly sophisticated, cost millions of dollars to develop, often have a short shelf life, and are used to target specific individuals. While that means they are not a threat to the overwhelming majority of our users, we continue to work tirelessly to defend all our customers, and we are constantly adding new protections for their devices and data.”
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